(BIG) Band Protocol (BAND/USD) prediction for 2024-2030

Updated: 2024-10-09

Value Band Protocol to USD Dollar online today

BAND-USD Band Protocol - USD Dollar
17.1500000000 2.76% (16.065)

Band Protocol (BAND) buy or sell today? How much will it be worth Band Protocol relative to USD Dollar in 2024, 2025, 2026, 2027, 2028, 2029 and 2030 ? What is the price dynamics Band Protocol?

Our mathematical model predicts cryptocurrency prices Band Protocol using resonant artificial intelligence systems. The system studies the market and changes prediction in response to market changes.

Band Protocol historical and prediction chart

The chart below shows the historical price Band Protocol and the prediction for the next month. Predicted prices include an optimistic prediction, a pessimistic prediction and a weighted average of the best prediction. Costs are divided by color. See the table below for a detailed exchange rate prediction Band Protocol / USD Dollar.

Long-term projections by year.

Daily prediction for Band Protocol for one month

Data Target Opt. Pes. Vol. %
Oct-11 1.0802 1.1031 1.0595 4.12%
Oct-12 1.1029 1.1194 1.0816 3.49%
Oct-13 1.0684 1.0869 1.0443 4.08%
Oct-14 1.0425 1.058 1.0214 3.58%
Oct-15 1.0481 1.0666 1.0316 3.39%
Oct-16 1.0738 1.0965 1.0588 3.56%
Oct-17 1.0848 1.1043 1.0645 3.74%
Oct-18 1.0667 1.0814 1.05 2.99%
Oct-19 1.0962 1.1193 1.0723 4.38%
Oct-20 1.0791 1.1028 1.0634 3.71%
Oct-21 1.1162 1.1359 1.0953 3.71%
Oct-22 1.0939 1.1092 1.0718 3.49%
Oct-23 1.0555 1.0778 1.038 3.83%
Oct-24 1.0435 1.0602 1.0212 3.82%
Oct-25 1.0509 1.0678 1.035 3.17%
Oct-26 1.0649 1.088 1.0422 4.39%
Oct-27 1.0376 1.0597 1.0197 3.92%
Oct-28 1.0685 1.0852 1.045 3.85%
Oct-29 1.0912 1.1127 1.0673 4.25%
Oct-30 1.0559 1.07 1.0352 3.36%
Oct-31 1.0908 1.1149 1.0701 4.19%
Fox-01 1.1107 1.129 1.0957 3.04%
Fox-02 1.0966 1.1165 1.0815 3.24%
Fox-03 1.1076 1.1239 1.0917 2.95%
Fox-04 1.0885 1.1124 1.0702 3.94%
Fox-05 1.1096 1.1257 1.0855 3.7%
Fox-06 1.1479 1.1668 1.132 3.07%
Fox-07 1.1162 1.1403 1.0995 3.71%
Fox-08 1.1124 1.1353 1.0915 4.01%
Fox-09 1.126 1.1477 1.1057 3.8%

Prediction BAND/USD for this month

Cryptocurrency price targets Band Protocol 10-2024

Target price Band Protocol na 10-2024 totals 1.0802 dollars. It is expected negative dynamics with variability at the level 4.12%

Optimistic target price: 1.1031

Pessimistic target price: 1.0595

Cryptocurrency price targets Band Protocol 10-2024

Target price Band Protocol na 10-2024 totals 1.1029 dollars. It is expected positive dynamics with variability at the level 3.49%

Optimistic target price: 1.1194

Pessimistic target price: 1.0816

Cryptocurrency price targets Band Protocol 10-2024

Target price Band Protocol na 10-2024 totals 1.0684 dollars. It is expected negative dynamics with variability at the level 4.08%

Optimistic target price: 1.0869

Pessimistic target price: 1.0443

Cryptocurrency price targets Band Protocol 10-2024

Target price Band Protocol na 10-2024 totals 1.0425 dollars. It is expected negative dynamics with variability at the level 3.58%

Optimistic target price: 1.058

Pessimistic target price: 1.0214

Cryptocurrency price targets Band Protocol 10-2024

Target price Band Protocol na 10-2024 totals 1.0481 dollars. It is expected positive dynamics with variability at the level 3.39%

Optimistic target price: 1.0666

Pessimistic target price: 1.0316

Band Protocol/USD Dollar monthly prediction 2024

Data Target Opt. Pes. Vol. %
Fox 1.3565 1.4964 1.2232 22.33%
Dec 1.1642 1.2823 1.0411 23.17%

Band Protocol/USD Dollar monthly prediction 2025

Data Target Opt. Pes. Vol. %
Jan 1.4736 1.6003 1.3584 17.81%
Feb 1.6563 1.8011 1.4884 21.01%
Mar 1.4876 1.6124 1.3223 21.94%
Apr 1.8102 1.9435 1.6917 14.88%
May 1.5926 1.79 1.4695 21.81%
Jun 1.375 1.5774 1.235 27.72%
Jul 1.0697 1.2654 0.9111 38.89%
Aug 1.1026 1.3001 0.9627 35.05%
Sep 0.9761 1.1498 0.8445 36.15%
Oct 0.9508 1.0722 0.7939 35.05%
Fox 0.8479 0.9963 0.664 50.05%
Dec 0.9121 1.0849 0.7936 36.71%

Band Protocol/USD Dollar monthly prediction 2026

Data Target Opt. Pes. Vol. %
Jan 1.1178 1.2692 0.9812 29.35%
Feb 1.025 1.1701 0.8631 35.57%
Mar 0.6927 0.8327 0.5611 48.4%
Apr 0.497 0.6151 0.3047 101.87%
May 0.6303 0.7768 0.4476 73.55%
Jun 0.7998 0.9858 0.6615 49.02%
Jul 0.6412 0.8402 0.4573 83.73%
Aug 0.5704 0.7121 0.4355 63.51%
Sep 0.4051 0.5906 0.2837 108.18%
Oct 0.2027 0.3815 0.0458 732.97%
Fox 0.1605 0.3511 -0.0369 -1051.49%
Dec -0.0908 0.1066 -0.2241 -147.57%

Band Protocol/USD Dollar monthly prediction 2027

Data Target Opt. Pes. Vol. %
Jan -0.1009 0.0762 -0.2966 -125.69%
Feb -0.2611 -0.089 -0.4348 -79.53%
Mar -0.1936 -0.0372 -0.3236 -88.5%
Apr -0.0109 0.1389 -0.1508 -192.11%
May 0.2673 0.4138 0.1422 191%
Jun 0.0126 0.1526 -0.1898 -180.4%
Jul -0.1274 0.0447 -0.3298 -113.55%
Aug 0.0915 0.2577 -0.0879 -393.17%
Sep -0.1615 0.0021 -0.3369 -100.62%
Oct -0.2155 -0.0266 -0.3572 -92.55%
Fox -0.5309 -0.3335 -0.6642 -49.79%
Dec -0.3926 -0.2675 -0.5671 -52.83%

Band Protocol/USD Dollar monthly prediction 2028

Data Target Opt. Pes. Vol. %
Jan -0.1902 -0.0487 -0.3301 -85.25%
Feb -0.2239 -0.0653 -0.3723 -82.46%
Mar -0.005 0.1168 -0.1893 -161.7%
Apr 0.316 0.4987 0.158 215.63%
May 0.5645 0.7077 0.3835 84.54%
Jun 0.5991 0.7933 0.4789 65.65%
Jul 0.6616 0.7966 0.5349 48.93%
Aug 0.5789 0.7459 0.4305 73.26%
Sep 0.7863 0.9097 0.6201 46.7%
Oct 0.8735 1.0183 0.7138 42.66%
Fox 0.5581 0.7048 0.381 84.99%
Dec 0.5795 0.7556 0.461 63.9%

Band Protocol/USD Dollar monthly prediction 2029

Data Target Opt. Pes. Vol. %
Jan 0.4176 0.5728 0.2793 105.08%
Feb 0.3737 0.5053 0.1763 186.61%
Mar 0.3231 0.458 0.173 164.74%
Apr 0.0009 0.1325 -0.1273 -204.08%
May 0.2758 0.4206 0.1129 272.54%
Jun 0.2674 0.4479 0.1207 271.09%
Jul 0.534 0.6937 0.3447 101.25%
Aug 0.4075 0.5964 0.2557 133.24%
Sep 0.1882 0.3265 0.0381 756.96%
Oct 0.3462 0.524 0.2047 155.98%
Fox 0.6622 0.8284 0.4894 69.27%
Dec 0.863 0.9799 0.7215 35.81%


The modeling uses technical and fundamental analysis and analyzes news, the general geopolitical situation in the world and other factors influencing price movements.

We present the prediction results for this month, the current year and the coming years. Get to know your target quotations BAND / USD and optimistic and pessimistic predictions.

Predictions are adjusted once a day, taking into account the price change from the previous day.


All prediction data on the website is provided for informational purposes for the use of neural predicting tools in the financial market and does not constitute a solicitation for trading, nor is it a trading signal. By using prediction data, the investor assumes all financial risk. The EURUSD.site website is not responsible for the loss of your money on the stock exchange as a result of using the information contained on the website.