Australian Dollar to Cape Verdean Escudo (AUD/CVE) prediction for 2024-2030

Reverse prediction: CVE - AUD
Updated: 2023-10-23

Price AUD/CVE today

AUD-CVE Australian Dollar - Cape Verdean Escudo
66.2251655629 0.03% (0.0438)

How much will the currency pair AUD/CVE cost in 2024, 2025, 2026, 2027, 2028, 2029 and 2030? What is the prediction for the currency pair AUD/CVE? What is the target price for the currency pair Australian Dollar / Cape Verdean Escudo in 2024 - 2030?

Course Australian Dollar to Cape Verdean Escudo (AUD/CVE) has fluctuated recently, but what can we expect in the future? Prediction and analysts have predicted various outcomes over the next five years, so let is take a look at our forecasts and predict the most likely outcome.

Historical and prediction chart of the currency pair Australian Dollar/Cape Verdean Escudo

The chart shows the historical rates of a currency pair AUD/CVE and a predict chart for the next month. Prediction rates include an optimistic predict, a pessimistic predict, a weighted average of the best predictions, and a detailed rate prediction Australian Dollar to Cape Verdean Escudo below

Long-term projections AUD/CVE by year

Daily price target AUD / CVE

Data Target Opt. Pes. Vol. %
Jun-03 66.18580714305 66.22564554363 66.13540916642 0.14%
Jun-04 66.11285007212 66.14836864613 66.06293207622 0.13%
Jun-05 66.09989059241 66.1382890508 66.04901263505 0.14%
Jun-06 66.11607053309 66.16166854773 66.05870528886 0.16%
Jun-07 66.16804246376 66.22246590059 66.13028926884 0.14%
Jun-08 66.07252629852 66.11956441004 66.03220791721 0.13%
Jun-09 66.12842063905 66.18137317219 66.07791961208 0.16%
Jun-10 66.05018378009 66.10442160256 66.0117853217 0.14%
Jun-11 66.06636372077 66.11490354281 66.02861052585 0.13%
Jun-12 66.05196429887 66.08556294996 65.99628653421 0.14%
Jun-13 66.05490610627 66.09462050612 65.99901176574 0.14%
Jun-14 66.08138237284 66.13139309858 66.03725526189 0.14%
Jun-15 66.06122318219 66.11210113955 66.01274512848 0.15%
Jun-16 66.10829210053 66.16418644106 66.07299041177 0.14%
Jun-17 66.04205475981 66.08909287133 66.00365630142 0.13%
Jun-18 66.00365630142 66.05117439367 65.94653859457 0.16%
Jun-19 66.02621015813 66.06739546168 65.97963154102 0.13%
Jun-20 66.08063359496 66.11789648865 66.0227780495 0.14%
Jun-21 66.03695534855 66.07823369132 65.9894372563 0.13%
Jun-22 66.10755872606 66.16198216289 66.05460619293 0.16%
Jun-23 66.03556161658 66.0921993427 65.98228375557 0.17%
Jun-24 66.03703252028 66.08557234232 65.98162848098 0.16%
Jun-25 66.05125125603 66.09145595711 65.99437631303 0.15%
Jun-26 66.06007667822 66.11842252492 66.01055625371 0.16%
Jun-27 65.97799997342 66.01591845108 65.93576166919 0.12%
Jun-28 66.03291371149 66.07262811134 65.97898057589 0.14%
Jun-29 66.01563440522 66.06603238185 65.9815557734 0.13%
Jun-30 66.01808591138 66.05240699767 65.96219157085 0.14%
Jul-01 66.04897488904 66.09898561478 65.99160964481 0.16%
Jul-02 66.04801492758 66.1046526537 65.9952170473 0.17%

Target price AUD/CVE for day

Currency pair target rates AUD/CVE for a day 03-06-2024

Weighted average price target for the currency pair Australian Dollar/Cape Verdean Escudo for a day 03-06-2024: It is expected negative trend with possible level volatility 0.14%.

Optimistic target price: 66.22564554363

Pessimistic target price: 66.13540916642

Currency pair target rates AUD/CVE for a day 04-06-2024

Weighted average price target for the currency pair Australian Dollar/Cape Verdean Escudo for a day 04-06-2024: It is expected negative trend with possible level volatility 0.13%.

Optimistic target price: 66.14836864613

Pessimistic target price: 66.06293207622

Currency pair target rates AUD/CVE for a day 05-06-2024

Weighted average price target for the currency pair Australian Dollar/Cape Verdean Escudo for a day 05-06-2024: It is expected negative trend with possible level volatility 0.14%.

Optimistic target price: 66.1382890508

Pessimistic target price: 66.04901263505

Currency pair target rates AUD/CVE for a day 06-06-2024

Weighted average price target for the currency pair Australian Dollar/Cape Verdean Escudo for a day 06-06-2024: It is expected positive trend with possible level volatility 0.16%.

Optimistic target price: 66.16166854773

Pessimistic target price: 66.05870528886

Currency pair target rates AUD/CVE for a day 07-06-2024

Weighted average price target for the currency pair Australian Dollar/Cape Verdean Escudo for a day 07-06-2024: It is expected positive trend with possible level volatility 0.14%.

Optimistic target price: 66.22246590059

Pessimistic target price: 66.13028926884

Australian Dollar/Cape Verdean Escudo (AUD/CVE) Prediction 2024 Monthly

Data Target Opt. Pes. Vol. %
Jul 72.74741724094 72.87712212254 72.64724911456 0.32%
Aug 72.68320690352 72.77310137591 72.59074401763 0.25%
Sep 72.87651791599 72.98967558183 72.68792180626 0.42%
Oct 73.0116784613 73.12326449289 72.87808955024 0.34%
Fox 73.09183180793 73.27885628341 72.96767270236 0.43%
Dec 73.21441927925 73.35272309305 73.041539512 0.43%

Australian Dollar/Cape Verdean Escudo (AUD/CVE) Prediction 2025 Monthly

Data Target Opt. Pes. Vol. %
Jan 73.25842503819 73.41716009721 73.12955102988 0.39%
Feb 73.18008842653 73.32520378911 73.0786360934 0.34%
Mar 73.3073908006 73.45826768838 73.17537352379 0.39%
Apr 73.50070181307 73.63586235838 73.34511002254 0.4%
May 73.7254455105 73.91246998598 73.54627920626 0.5%
Jun 73.92189979147 74.04763053129 73.79616905165 0.34%
Jul 74.01305457784 74.17493290536 73.86217769006 0.42%
Aug 74.11992570669 74.27237422872 73.98476516138 0.39%
Sep 74.26137278899 74.44525399598 74.12778387793 0.43%
Oct 74.37295882058 74.50654773164 74.255086252 0.34%
Fox 74.25866441997 74.38066406107 74.12767533163 0.34%
Dec 74.45983360368 74.60285232022 74.3089567159 0.4%

Australian Dollar/Cape Verdean Escudo (AUD/CVE) Prediction 2026 Monthly

Data Target Opt. Pes. Vol. %
Jan 74.59970905173 74.78044699022 74.43625908997 0.46%
Feb 74.69872200934 74.84331236013 74.52427060784 0.43%
Mar 74.71758162031 74.87003014234 74.54313021881 0.44%
Apr 74.9344671465 75.10263201101 74.7930200642 0.41%
May 75.07748586304 75.20478823711 74.91560753552 0.39%
Jun 74.89769691825 74.99914925138 74.77569727715 0.3%
Jul 75.13344205541 75.26231606372 75.01242621833 0.33%
Aug 75.30003528567 75.41004968301 75.18216271709 0.3%
Sep 75.24866701573 75.34755093536 75.12153054763 0.3%
Oct 75.31624728838 75.44826456519 75.14808242387 0.4%
Fox 75.23405805648 75.36376293808 75.13003730985 0.31%
Dec 75.02473235648 75.1788371663 74.88860644114 0.39%

Australian Dollar/Cape Verdean Escudo (AUD/CVE) Prediction 2027 Monthly

Data Target Opt. Pes. Vol. %
Jan 74.97464829329 75.12104786262 74.82953293071 0.39%
Feb 75.28426024009 75.44456693336 75.10980883859 0.45%
Mar 75.14042908426 75.28297603334 75.01329261616 0.36%
Apr 75.45004103106 75.56791359964 75.3195953885 0.33%
May 75.27410470652 75.38069386664 75.1251367237 0.34%
Jun 75.30553739147 75.47055898748 75.17037684616 0.4%
Jul 75.42340996005 75.60414789854 75.26624653528 0.45%
Aug 75.52399455191 75.66072673146 75.39354890935 0.35%
Sep 75.54599743138 75.67487143969 75.38411910386 0.39%
Oct 75.3238296639 75.46123978599 75.21724050378 0.32%
Fox 75.33168783514 75.49042289416 75.15880806789 0.44%
Dec 75.57529114354 75.68844880938 75.45741857496 0.31%

Australian Dollar/Cape Verdean Escudo (AUD/CVE) Prediction 2028 Monthly

Data Target Opt. Pes. Vol. %
Jan 75.72302476283 75.83461079442 75.57529114354 0.34%
Feb 75.81889445194 75.99963239043 75.7088800546 0.38%
Mar 75.81889445194 75.9493400945 75.69630698062 0.33%
Apr 76.06721266308 76.23223425909 75.87861655335 0.47%
May 76.18665686591 76.35796499891 76.06249776034 0.39%
Jun 76.35325009617 76.48683900723 76.23223425909 0.33%
Jul 76.13365074218 76.23253466181 76.04247206304 0.25%
Aug 76.0309142023 76.13365074218 75.92432504218 0.28%
Sep 75.89992511396 76.00137744709 75.81003064157 0.25%
Oct 76.03980056201 76.17181783882 75.88420877148 0.38%
Fox 76.2928336759 76.45785527191 76.13409861688 0.43%
Dec 76.10790790412 76.24018119921 75.98976088326 0.33%

Australian Dollar/Cape Verdean Escudo (AUD/CVE) Prediction 2029 Monthly

Data Target Opt. Pes. Vol. %
Jan 76.18020307952 76.3310799673 76.00418004377 0.43%
Feb 76.08645598688 76.19176094025 75.97472999976 0.29%
Mar 76.07618233289 76.20331880099 75.96830896602 0.31%
Apr 76.09189867537 76.22077268368 75.97245447254 0.33%
May 76.00842523672 76.15739321954 75.86844670114 0.38%
Jun 76.24574200813 76.39190399317 76.06500406964 0.43%
Jul 76.00174272592 76.11603712653 75.8951535658 0.29%
Aug 76.14790471096 76.30035323299 76.00802926291 0.38%
Sep 76.30506813573 76.47951953723 76.17933739591 0.39%
Oct 76.51095222218 76.67125891545 76.34750226042 0.42%
Fox 76.44931029825 76.55076263138 76.35299479212 0.26%
Dec 76.34400534488 76.44160505776 76.24255301175 0.26%


If Australian Dollar will increase or decrease relative to Cape Verdean Escudo?

We predict the dynamics of currency pairs using resonant artificial intelligence systems. Technical and fundamental analysis, news background, general geopolitical situation in the world and other factors are taken into account. The algorithm allows us to make a more precise prediction than traditional technical methods used by most analysts.

Prediction results for the currency pair Australian Dollar/Cape Verdean Escudo are presented in the form of charts, tables and text information, divided into time intervals (next month, 2024, 2025, 2026, 2027, 2028, 2029 and 2030).

The purpose of these prediction is to help potential investors and entrepreneurs plan their activities on the currency market and predict possible trends in currency rates. This type of information may also be helpful for people who are planning, for example, a holiday abroad.

Prediction are adjusted once a day, taking into account the exchange rate change from the previous day. Exchange rates are determined by macroeconomic factors, international trade agreements, and the supply and demand of foreign currencies.


All prediction data on the website is provided for informational purposes for the use of neural predicting tools in the financial market and does not constitute a solicitation for trading, nor is it a trading signal. By using prediction data, the investor assumes all financial risk. The website is not responsible for the loss of your money on the stock exchange as a result of using the information contained on the website.