Canadian Dollar to Thai Baht (CAD/THB) prediction for 2024-2030

Reverse prediction: THB - CAD
Updated: 2024-05-19

Price CAD/THB today

CAD-THB Canadian Dollar - Thai Baht
26.0429092310 -0.15% (-0.5821)

How much will the currency pair CAD/THB cost in 2024, 2025, 2026, 2027, 2028, 2029 and 2030? What is the prediction for the currency pair CAD/THB? What is the target price for the currency pair Canadian Dollar / Thai Baht in 2024 - 2030?

Course Canadian Dollar to Thai Baht (CAD/THB) has fluctuated recently, but what can we expect in the future? Prediction and analysts have predicted various outcomes over the next five years, so let is take a look at our forecasts and predict the most likely outcome.

Historical and prediction chart of the currency pair Canadian Dollar/Thai Baht

The chart shows the historical rates of a currency pair CAD/THB and a predict chart for the next month. Prediction rates include an optimistic predict, a pessimistic predict, a weighted average of the best predictions, and a detailed rate prediction Canadian Dollar to Thai Baht below

Long-term projections CAD/THB by year

Daily price target CAD / THB

Data Target Opt. Pes. Vol. %
May-21 26.0209217516 26.0360215869 26.0111201041 0.1%
May-22 26.0182726577 26.0324453101 26.0027754583 0.11%
May-23 25.9942983578 26.0074113726 25.9838344369 0.09%
May-24 25.9941659031 26.0064841898 25.9830397087 0.09%
May-25 26.0108626781 26.0241218817 25.9978490153 0.1%
May-26 26.0274366827 26.0373810854 26.0183516728 0.07%
May-27 26.0502719779 26.0613213143 26.036644463 0.09%
May-28 26.0735983547 26.0823150534 26.0602163806 0.08%
May-29 26.0941010122 26.1078512975 26.0796141045 0.11%
May-30 26.0906571901 26.1064192989 26.0783389034 0.11%
May-31 26.0808555426 26.0944983762 26.0681398918 0.1%
Jun-01 26.079398541 26.0895975525 26.0666828902 0.09%
Jun-02 26.0592654273 26.0742328079 26.0468146859 0.11%
Jun-03 26.0444305014 26.0562189693 26.0310525772 0.1%
Jun-04 26.0240324783 26.0339665805 26.0130387386 0.08%
Jun-05 26.0277155904 26.0395015492 26.0170345652 0.09%
Jun-06 26.0415886461 26.0504281152 26.0310303913 0.07%
Jun-07 26.0199985308 26.0320519081 26.0096670646 0.09%
Jun-08 26.0173494369 26.0290054501 26.0074153347 0.08%
Jun-09 26.0113889756 26.0218528965 25.9999978718 0.08%
Jun-10 26.0101968833 26.0235748075 25.9985408701 0.1%
Jun-11 26.0121612098 26.022842235 26.0011118734 0.08%
Jun-12 26.034996505 26.047150775 26.0210006789 0.1%
Jun-13 26.0262544951 26.0359236879 26.0165853023 0.07%
Jun-14 26.0466343822 26.0595252746 26.0370582907 0.09%
Jun-15 26.0603846675 26.0726617079 26.0512996576 0.08%
Jun-16 26.0542917515 26.064490763 26.0385296427 0.1%
Jun-17 26.0500532012 26.062768852 26.038397188 0.09%
Jun-18 26.0683459914 26.0780448533 26.0536135429 0.09%
Jun-19 26.091304057 26.1039494086 26.0809913431 0.09%

Target price CAD/THB for day

Currency pair target rates CAD/THB for a day 21-05-2024

Weighted average price target for the currency pair Canadian Dollar/Thai Baht for a day 21-05-2024: It is expected negative trend with possible level volatility 0.1%.

Optimistic target price: 26.0360215869

Pessimistic target price: 26.0111201041

Currency pair target rates CAD/THB for a day 22-05-2024

Weighted average price target for the currency pair Canadian Dollar/Thai Baht for a day 22-05-2024: It is expected negative trend with possible level volatility 0.11%.

Optimistic target price: 26.0324453101

Pessimistic target price: 26.0027754583

Currency pair target rates CAD/THB for a day 23-05-2024

Weighted average price target for the currency pair Canadian Dollar/Thai Baht for a day 23-05-2024: It is expected negative trend with possible level volatility 0.09%.

Optimistic target price: 26.0074113726

Pessimistic target price: 25.9838344369

Currency pair target rates CAD/THB for a day 24-05-2024

Weighted average price target for the currency pair Canadian Dollar/Thai Baht for a day 24-05-2024: It is expected negative trend with possible level volatility 0.09%.

Optimistic target price: 26.0064841898

Pessimistic target price: 25.9830397087

Currency pair target rates CAD/THB for a day 25-05-2024

Weighted average price target for the currency pair Canadian Dollar/Thai Baht for a day 25-05-2024: It is expected positive trend with possible level volatility 0.1%.

Optimistic target price: 26.0241218817

Pessimistic target price: 25.9978490153

Canadian Dollar/Thai Baht (CAD/THB) Prediction 2024 Monthly

Data Target Opt. Pes. Vol. %
Jun 26.45506006604 26.4885550397 26.42519707748 0.24%
Jul 26.42960739364 26.47924010482 26.37912626005 0.38%
Aug 26.4582597205 26.49982577215 26.40983325256 0.34%
Sep 26.47198055308 26.51959991322 26.44171401062 0.29%
Oct 26.43252891086 26.48088898842 26.38798673416 0.35%
Fox 26.36720038504 26.41640888501 26.31629504024 0.38%
Dec 26.34217192385 26.38713831175 26.30356870405 0.32%

Canadian Dollar/Thai Baht (CAD/THB) Prediction 2025 Monthly

Data Target Opt. Pes. Vol. %
Jan 26.3196887299 26.35574668246 26.28660025578 0.26%
Feb 26.3069623937 26.34344455747 26.25775389373 0.33%
Mar 26.25266335925 26.29508447991 26.21999909634 0.29%
Apr 26.2877725485 26.31602132146 26.25387402094 0.24%
May 26.34548075612 26.37615085248 26.31642487536 0.23%
Jun 26.27930380789 26.3119680708 26.24833638981 0.24%
Jul 26.23688268723 26.27209221738 26.20506684673 0.26%
Aug 26.31396148203 26.34907067128 26.26714922969 0.31%
Sep 26.38982961513 26.42251748099 26.35512397978 0.26%
Oct 26.41767483419 26.46408353263 26.38256564494 0.31%
Fox 26.45318757734 26.50161404528 26.4059717711 0.36%
Dec 26.49112164389 26.51937041685 26.45964443973 0.23%

Canadian Dollar/Thai Baht (CAD/THB) Prediction 2026 Monthly

Data Target Opt. Pes. Vol. %
Jan 26.50322826087 26.53188058773 26.46246931702 0.26%
Feb 26.53833745012 26.57506085497 26.50847446156 0.25%
Mar 26.53239849323 26.56379012252 26.50185528635 0.23%
Apr 26.58647471576 26.61553059652 26.53845180172 0.29%
May 26.52029776753 26.55762835371 26.47236190118 0.32%
Jun 26.48423981497 26.52750935805 26.43630394862 0.35%
Jul 26.44903028482 26.48890613824 26.40703337536 0.31%
Aug 26.45992624011 26.49261410597 26.42723837425 0.25%
Sep 26.47445418049 26.50472072295 26.44539829973 0.22%
Oct 26.42354883569 26.47360575807 26.38791509433 0.32%
Fox 26.37773402537 26.40997407707 26.33446448229 0.29%
Dec 26.3412518616 26.37264349089 26.30519390904 0.26%

Canadian Dollar/Thai Baht (CAD/THB) Prediction 2027 Monthly

Data Target Opt. Pes. Vol. %
Jan 26.36183311047 26.40783825501 26.31502085813 0.35%
Feb 26.38241435934 26.42075197979 26.3400411999 0.31%
Mar 26.31411635507 26.35908274297 26.26745312234 0.35%
Apr 26.31855544796 26.3605250535 26.27941071971 0.31%
May 26.33994380463 26.37303522439 26.30523816928 0.26%
Jun 26.30558269689 26.34673118393 26.25722261933 0.34%
Jul 26.36772999741 26.39880364767 26.33827056275 0.23%
Aug 26.29900778194 26.3350657345 26.25998035093 0.29%
Sep 26.32322101591 26.35671598957 26.28246207206 0.28%
Oct 26.29776834351 26.34867368831 26.26595250301 0.31%
Fox 26.23031876166 26.26001354612 26.19765449875 0.24%
Dec 26.2747096906 26.30618689476 26.24646091764 0.23%

Canadian Dollar/Thai Baht (CAD/THB) Prediction 2028 Monthly

Data Target Opt. Pes. Vol. %
Jan 26.33362855992 26.37519461157 26.30094069406 0.28%
Feb 26.31453905562 26.36502018921 26.26745161168 0.37%
Mar 26.26617897806 26.29884324097 26.23563577118 0.24%
Apr 26.22503049102 26.27423899099 26.1915178057 0.32%
May 26.18260937036 26.22842418068 26.1465514178 0.31%
Jun 26.24475667088 26.28188362963 26.19955863414 0.31%
Jul 26.31739637278 26.34847002304 26.28551561472 0.24%
Aug 26.25970364868 26.29618581245 26.21558568319 0.31%
Sep 26.22788780818 26.26309733833 26.19437512286 0.26%
Oct 26.2892280009 26.32595140575 26.25654013504 0.26%
Fox 26.33805802274 26.37962407439 26.292859986 0.33%
Dec 26.37800985879 26.42562921893 26.34612910073 0.3%

Canadian Dollar/Thai Baht (CAD/THB) Prediction 2029 Monthly

Data Target Opt. Pes. Vol. %
Jan 26.43935005151 26.48172321095 26.40666218565 0.28%
Feb 26.42407844807 26.46310587908 26.3939594524 0.26%
Mar 26.42932464876 26.47048714651 26.38816215101 0.31%
Apr 26.4769440089 26.51568518325 26.43093886436 0.32%
May 26.50357856627 26.53344155483 26.45878408343 0.28%
Jun 26.56249743559 26.59276397805 26.53344155483 0.22%
Jul 26.5056531339 26.55613426749 26.46662570289 0.34%
Aug 26.49886575459 26.53619634077 26.448384621 0.33%
Sep 26.43693091842 26.48189730632 26.38857084086 0.35%
Oct 26.37542029346 26.41105403482 26.33724128486 0.28%
Fox 26.36311816847 26.41020561241 26.3266360047 0.32%
Dec 26.29821385386 26.34827077624 26.26512537974 0.32%


If Canadian Dollar will increase or decrease relative to Thai Baht?

We predict the dynamics of currency pairs using resonant artificial intelligence systems. Technical and fundamental analysis, news background, general geopolitical situation in the world and other factors are taken into account. The algorithm allows us to make a more precise prediction than traditional technical methods used by most analysts.

Prediction results for the currency pair Canadian Dollar/Thai Baht are presented in the form of charts, tables and text information, divided into time intervals (next month, 2024, 2025, 2026, 2027, 2028, 2029 and 2030).

The purpose of these prediction is to help potential investors and entrepreneurs plan their activities on the currency market and predict possible trends in currency rates. This type of information may also be helpful for people who are planning, for example, a holiday abroad.

Prediction are adjusted once a day, taking into account the exchange rate change from the previous day. Exchange rates are determined by macroeconomic factors, international trade agreements, and the supply and demand of foreign currencies.


All prediction data on the website is provided for informational purposes for the use of neural predicting tools in the financial market and does not constitute a solicitation for trading, nor is it a trading signal. By using prediction data, the investor assumes all financial risk. The website is not responsible for the loss of your money on the stock exchange as a result of using the information contained on the website.