Euro to Cape Verdean Escudo (EUR/CVE) prediction for 2024-2030

Reverse prediction: CVE - EUR
Updated: 2023-10-23

Price EUR/CVE today

EUR-CVE Euro - Cape Verdean Escudo
111.1111111111 0.14% (0.1233)

How much will the currency pair EUR/CVE cost in 2024, 2025, 2026, 2027, 2028, 2029 and 2030? What is the prediction for the currency pair EUR/CVE? What is the target price for the currency pair Euro / Cape Verdean Escudo in 2024 - 2030?

Course Euro to Cape Verdean Escudo (EUR/CVE) has fluctuated recently, but what can we expect in the future? Prediction and analysts have predicted various outcomes over the next five years, so let is take a look at our forecasts and predict the most likely outcome.

Historical and prediction chart of the currency pair Euro/Cape Verdean Escudo

The chart shows the historical rates of a currency pair EUR/CVE and a predict chart for the next month. Prediction rates include an optimistic predict, a pessimistic predict, a weighted average of the best predictions, and a detailed rate prediction Euro to Cape Verdean Escudo below

Long-term projections EUR/CVE by year

Daily price target EUR / CVE

Data Target Opt. Pes. Vol. %
Jun-03 111.00758449017 111.09488678991 110.93341616473 0.15%
Jun-04 111.02937551335 111.0842287786 110.9444656644 0.13%
Jun-05 111.17289570051 111.2337602825 111.09024009534 0.13%
Jun-06 111.32092437522 111.38028612802 111.25780554946 0.11%
Jun-07 111.30470005403 111.36418923173 111.23825759582 0.11%
Jun-08 111.16408927038 111.23207690204 111.07524179719 0.14%
Jun-09 111.11387113336 111.18881204553 111.03970280792 0.13%
Jun-10 111.03043176724 111.11387113336 110.94158429405 0.16%
Jun-11 111.05973693635 111.14915527285 110.99060679385 0.14%
Jun-12 110.91449063236 110.968571703 110.82255281228 0.13%
Jun-13 110.8828145767 110.94462151457 110.81096401143 0.12%
Jun-14 110.80941883798 110.87663388291 110.74374896649 0.12%
Jun-15 110.71052773739 110.79783003713 110.65490149331 0.13%
Jun-16 110.78416636745 110.8683248018 110.72405320005 0.13%
Jun-17 110.72158684286 110.79266482141 110.64819110414 0.13%
Jun-18 110.67445905274 110.7524903118 110.6103343547 0.13%
Jun-19 110.54389189649 110.60492624764 110.46045253037 0.13%
Jun-20 110.43341199505 110.52612240185 110.37160505718 0.14%
Jun-21 110.49352516245 110.55664398822 110.43040633669 0.11%
Jun-22 110.60849159509 110.66635051871 110.53184730666 0.12%
Jun-23 110.72195519855 110.80987070587 110.65658212901 0.14%
Jun-24 110.73623207581 110.82489899772 110.67536749382 0.14%
Jun-25 110.8669782149 110.936859772 110.80385938914 0.12%
Jun-26 110.86388786801 110.95041758103 110.77349522138 0.16%
Jun-27 110.76654194087 110.84534578665 110.67383153407 0.15%
Jun-28 110.81989237693 110.89127676321 110.73498252798 0.14%
Jun-29 110.76194837268 110.83070859106 110.67850900656 0.14%
Jun-30 110.64065225711 110.71713834272 110.58579859975 0.12%
Jul-01 110.66995742622 110.73007059362 110.60308152749 0.11%
Jul-02 110.63982654401 110.69545278809 110.5602501115 0.12%

Target price EUR/CVE for day

Currency pair target rates EUR/CVE for a day 03-06-2024

Weighted average price target for the currency pair Euro/Cape Verdean Escudo for a day 03-06-2024: It is expected negative trend with possible level volatility 0.15%.

Optimistic target price: 111.09488678991

Pessimistic target price: 110.93341616473

Currency pair target rates EUR/CVE for a day 04-06-2024

Weighted average price target for the currency pair Euro/Cape Verdean Escudo for a day 04-06-2024: It is expected positive trend with possible level volatility 0.13%.

Optimistic target price: 111.0842287786

Pessimistic target price: 110.9444656644

Currency pair target rates EUR/CVE for a day 05-06-2024

Weighted average price target for the currency pair Euro/Cape Verdean Escudo for a day 05-06-2024: It is expected positive trend with possible level volatility 0.13%.

Optimistic target price: 111.2337602825

Pessimistic target price: 111.09024009534

Currency pair target rates EUR/CVE for a day 06-06-2024

Weighted average price target for the currency pair Euro/Cape Verdean Escudo for a day 06-06-2024: It is expected positive trend with possible level volatility 0.11%.

Optimistic target price: 111.38028612802

Pessimistic target price: 111.25780554946

Currency pair target rates EUR/CVE for a day 07-06-2024

Weighted average price target for the currency pair Euro/Cape Verdean Escudo for a day 07-06-2024: It is expected negative trend with possible level volatility 0.11%.

Optimistic target price: 111.36418923173

Pessimistic target price: 111.23825759582

Euro/Cape Verdean Escudo (EUR/CVE) Prediction 2024 Monthly

Data Target Opt. Pes. Vol. %
Jul 111.192196338 111.24762168297 111.13677099303 0.1%
Aug 111.1492390187 111.18810516473 111.11160022465 0.07%
Sep 111.10300876079 111.13982932019 111.06987025733 0.06%
Oct 111.11224631829 111.17075084909 111.05425498513 0.1%
Fox 111.17588282548 111.23233456572 111.12969503801 0.09%
Dec 111.12024286905 111.15829078043 111.08996818688 0.06%

Euro/Cape Verdean Escudo (EUR/CVE) Prediction 2025 Monthly

Data Target Opt. Pes. Vol. %
Jan 111.05478409678 111.10060523737 111.00691736956 0.08%
Feb 111.06761403775 111.10866984884 111.03117700541 0.07%
Mar 111.0722328165 111.124065778 111.03322979597 0.08%
Apr 111.11996019689 111.17795153005 111.08403636219 0.08%
May 111.19488705212 111.24877280417 111.13894850951 0.1%
Jun 111.2385088514 111.27648547666 111.18718908754 0.08%
Jul 111.30522454442 111.34114837912 111.25390478056 0.08%
Aug 111.35859709883 111.40170570047 111.30265855622 0.09%
Sep 111.35491504289 111.39541765823 111.32218565676 0.07%
Oct 111.4108535855 111.45498858242 111.35132265942 0.09%
Fox 111.34048540531 111.38671566322 111.30939248848 0.07%
Dec 111.26438958255 111.30734690185 111.23206931374 0.07%

Euro/Cape Verdean Escudo (EUR/CVE) Prediction 2026 Monthly

Data Target Opt. Pes. Vol. %
Jan 111.36446312207 111.40962451427 111.31365655585 0.09%
Feb 111.3174146295 111.36200841811 111.28836729931 0.07%
Mar 111.2805940701 111.32150580277 111.23518204684 0.08%
Apr 111.28264686065 111.33242703159 111.24620982831 0.08%
May 111.2650548156 111.29532949777 111.22087014432 0.07%
Jun 111.25359953045 111.28223774332 111.22005190966 0.06%
Jul 111.2298707255 111.27651010074 111.19386840075 0.07%
Aug 111.23243671369 111.27554531533 111.18163014747 0.08%
Sep 111.18947939439 111.23816435626 111.1436582538 0.09%
Oct 111.15143148301 111.18866115974 111.12197503549 0.06%
Fox 111.24278066268 111.29204763598 111.18530252716 0.1%
Dec 111.30436437931 111.35773693372 111.25509740601 0.09%

Euro/Cape Verdean Escudo (EUR/CVE) Prediction 2027 Monthly

Data Target Opt. Pes. Vol. %
Jan 111.34695978331 111.401358733 111.29871920528 0.09%
Feb 111.30113864272 111.3330497942 111.25490838481 0.07%
Mar 111.27863718975 111.31423039717 111.242634865 0.06%
Apr 111.24549868629 111.28027365906 111.19763195907 0.07%
May 111.16490257294 111.21276930016 111.12685466156 0.08%
Jun 111.21776192971 111.25933093844 111.17670611862 0.07%
Jul 111.18871459952 111.21939839902 111.15393962675 0.06%
Aug 111.10770936884 111.14862110151 111.07538910003 0.07%
Sep 111.15184436576 111.19854535087 111.10155099718 0.09%
Oct 111.23446918557 111.27963057777 111.18930779337 0.08%
Fox 111.21442243656 111.25001564398 111.16778306132 0.07%
Dec 111.20296715141 111.25001564398 111.16041894944 0.08%

Euro/Cape Verdean Escudo (EUR/CVE) Prediction 2028 Monthly

Data Target Opt. Pes. Vol. %
Jan 111.16655570934 111.19683039151 111.13300808855 0.06%
Feb 111.20093995113 111.25585209846 111.14500140852 0.1%
Mar 111.23891657639 111.27997238748 111.19426838183 0.08%
Apr 111.1853222066 111.21886982739 111.15218370314 0.06%
May 111.27718458391 111.32799115013 111.22843080824 0.09%
Jun 111.2370910859 111.26859312005 111.19863405719 0.06%
Jul 111.31304433641 111.37206206485 111.26736974658 0.09%
Aug 111.36385090263 111.40182752789 111.3248478821 0.07%
Sep 111.35444120412 111.38471588629 111.31598417541 0.06%
Oct 111.40832695617 111.46734468461 111.35854678523 0.1%
Fox 111.47452945155 111.52636241305 111.41961730422 0.1%
Dec 111.43157213225 111.46430151838 111.40211568473 0.06%

Euro/Cape Verdean Escudo (EUR/CVE) Prediction 2029 Monthly

Data Target Opt. Pes. Vol. %
Jan 111.46133759529 111.51881573081 111.40539905268 0.1%
Feb 111.47057515279 111.51676294026 111.42028178421 0.09%
Mar 111.44357340923 111.48898543249 111.39734315132 0.08%
Apr 111.43252724141 111.4660748622 111.3940702127 0.06%
May 111.37770551964 111.42557224686 111.34456701618 0.07%
Jun 111.3187926246 111.36706846915 111.28688147312 0.07%
Jul 111.26069796421 111.30774645678 111.21364947164 0.08%
Aug 111.26069796421 111.30120057955 111.22428652214 0.07%
Sep 111.23819651124 111.27338060133 111.20096683451 0.07%
Oct 111.21855887956 111.26601648945 111.18378390679 0.07%
Fox 111.30990805923 111.36071462545 111.25550910954 0.09%
Dec 111.29272513151 111.33568245081 111.2464948736 0.08%


If Euro will increase or decrease relative to Cape Verdean Escudo?

We predict the dynamics of currency pairs using resonant artificial intelligence systems. Technical and fundamental analysis, news background, general geopolitical situation in the world and other factors are taken into account. The algorithm allows us to make a more precise prediction than traditional technical methods used by most analysts.

Prediction results for the currency pair Euro/Cape Verdean Escudo are presented in the form of charts, tables and text information, divided into time intervals (next month, 2024, 2025, 2026, 2027, 2028, 2029 and 2030).

The purpose of these prediction is to help potential investors and entrepreneurs plan their activities on the currency market and predict possible trends in currency rates. This type of information may also be helpful for people who are planning, for example, a holiday abroad.

Prediction are adjusted once a day, taking into account the exchange rate change from the previous day. Exchange rates are determined by macroeconomic factors, international trade agreements, and the supply and demand of foreign currencies.


All prediction data on the website is provided for informational purposes for the use of neural predicting tools in the financial market and does not constitute a solicitation for trading, nor is it a trading signal. By using prediction data, the investor assumes all financial risk. The website is not responsible for the loss of your money on the stock exchange as a result of using the information contained on the website.