Euro to Malawian Kwacha (EUR/MWK) prediction for 2024-2030

Reverse prediction: MWK - EUR
Updated: 2023-10-23

Price EUR/MWK today

EUR-MWK Euro - Malawian Kwacha
1428.5714285714 1855.29% (129.8701)

How much will the currency pair EUR/MWK cost in 2024, 2025, 2026, 2027, 2028, 2029 and 2030? What is the prediction for the currency pair EUR/MWK? What is the target price for the currency pair Euro / Malawian Kwacha in 2024 - 2030?

Course Euro to Malawian Kwacha (EUR/MWK) has fluctuated recently, but what can we expect in the future? Prediction and analysts have predicted various outcomes over the next five years, so let is take a look at our forecasts and predict the most likely outcome.

Historical and prediction chart of the currency pair Euro/Malawian Kwacha

The chart shows the historical rates of a currency pair EUR/MWK and a predict chart for the next month. Prediction rates include an optimistic predict, a pessimistic predict, a weighted average of the best predictions, and a detailed rate prediction Euro to Malawian Kwacha below

Long-term projections EUR/MWK by year

Daily price target EUR / MWK

Data Target Opt. Pes. Vol. %
Jun-03 1419.611720878 1423.3124697079 1415.2292551585 0.57%
Jun-04 1420.4156025424 1425.1317083069 1415.753088889 0.66%
Jun-05 1417.2991824752 1421.0486253686 1411.5532829762 0.67%
Jun-06 1418.853353693 1423.8910121232 1414.941129593 0.63%
Jun-07 1409.309317237 1413.545700766 1404.7807693268 0.62%
Jun-08 1419.7597788742 1426.0836479674 1413.4895018919 0.89%
Jun-09 1415.0851487733 1419.9058610648 1410.8000711808 0.65%
Jun-10 1411.1896236892 1416.4485825527 1405.7845826351 0.76%
Jun-11 1419.8715456646 1424.5876514291 1414.7802951235 0.69%
Jun-12 1418.5081118852 1422.4036369693 1413.7847877208 0.61%
Jun-13 1412.031801433 1416.6577374703 1406.3832900611 0.73%
Jun-14 1416.9086835303 1421.0888681851 1412.2461698768 0.63%
Jun-15 1426.555263503 1430.521079714 1420.1242101878 0.73%
Jun-16 1425.2892178506 1429.2821310618 1419.4459302246 0.69%
Jun-17 1433.9711398261 1440.0806404755 1427.8080470657 0.86%
Jun-18 1443.9928645755 1448.0658650084 1437.5618112604 0.73%
Jun-19 1447.5299438988 1451.4957601098 1443.7784961317 0.53%
Jun-20 1453.960997214 1458.6235108674 1449.6736283372 0.62%
Jun-21 1447.5820748888 1452.0132346719 1442.6639744702 0.65%
Jun-22 1458.1397207478 1462.4806817355 1452.9948780957 0.65%
Jun-23 1456.4841225871 1462.2300220861 1452.3451271853 0.68%
Jun-24 1456.64489892 1462.7008074584 1452.8934511528 0.68%
Jun-25 1448.2695199892 1452.7006797724 1443.7896661426 0.62%
Jun-26 1451.9673756454 1458.1840605167 1445.911467107 0.85%
Jun-27 1447.244051481 1452.8925628529 1441.5955401091 0.78%
Jun-28 1452.9784073537 1459.3022764469 1447.8871568125 0.79%
Jun-29 1453.4607363523 1459.3022764469 1448.7446305879 0.73%
Jun-30 1461.9282898839 1467.7698299785 1455.8723813455 0.82%
Jul-01 1463.0537242141 1468.8952643086 1457.2121841195 0.8%
Jul-02 1454.6783452833 1458.0869297319 1449.8576329918 0.57%

Target price EUR/MWK for day

Currency pair target rates EUR/MWK for a day 03-06-2024

Weighted average price target for the currency pair Euro/Malawian Kwacha for a day 03-06-2024: It is expected negative trend with possible level volatility 0.57%.

Optimistic target price: 1423.3124697079

Pessimistic target price: 1415.2292551585

Currency pair target rates EUR/MWK for a day 04-06-2024

Weighted average price target for the currency pair Euro/Malawian Kwacha for a day 04-06-2024: It is expected positive trend with possible level volatility 0.66%.

Optimistic target price: 1425.1317083069

Pessimistic target price: 1415.753088889

Currency pair target rates EUR/MWK for a day 05-06-2024

Weighted average price target for the currency pair Euro/Malawian Kwacha for a day 05-06-2024: It is expected negative trend with possible level volatility 0.67%.

Optimistic target price: 1421.0486253686

Pessimistic target price: 1411.5532829762

Currency pair target rates EUR/MWK for a day 06-06-2024

Weighted average price target for the currency pair Euro/Malawian Kwacha for a day 06-06-2024: It is expected positive trend with possible level volatility 0.63%.

Optimistic target price: 1423.8910121232

Pessimistic target price: 1414.941129593

Currency pair target rates EUR/MWK for a day 07-06-2024

Weighted average price target for the currency pair Euro/Malawian Kwacha for a day 07-06-2024: It is expected negative trend with possible level volatility 0.62%.

Optimistic target price: 1413.545700766

Pessimistic target price: 1404.7807693268

Euro/Malawian Kwacha (EUR/MWK) Prediction 2024 Monthly

Data Target Opt. Pes. Vol. %
Jul 830.48100023701 833.68315836821 827.31086368713 0.77%
Aug 832.17814404655 835.09210794594 828.46364061436 0.8%
Sep 832.59442460361 835.82860431612 829.84056861078 0.72%
Oct 834.7078489702 838.32628765845 832.11410088393 0.75%
Fox 839.63917249224 842.04079109064 836.34094961711 0.68%
Dec 842.93739536737 845.37103554708 839.95938830536 0.64%

Euro/Malawian Kwacha (EUR/MWK) Prediction 2025 Monthly

Data Target Opt. Pes. Vol. %
Jan 839.43507514865 843.04246497394 835.68759251462 0.88%
Feb 834.04150201182 837.22861341086 831.51983145434 0.69%
Mar 836.28301270366 840.02953771716 832.6325524341 0.89%
Apr 835.51250225554 838.87472966552 832.74566928275 0.74%
May 839.38711359429 842.23703433106 836.28102020703 0.71%
Jun 832.38247315684 835.91981657775 829.89582580155 0.73%
Jul 837.76209881725 841.12436485501 834.65600542999 0.77%
Aug 832.19340966948 834.64503382259 828.86620546169 0.7%
Sep 826.0993724889 830.05699433606 822.35188985487 0.94%
Oct 831.09473917357 834.00870307296 828.82120690042 0.63%
Fox 826.50669968704 830.63943754514 822.33893862676 1.01%
Dec 828.87629670413 831.95036851008 825.41796592244 0.79%

Euro/Malawian Kwacha (EUR/MWK) Prediction 2026 Monthly

Data Target Opt. Pes. Vol. %
Jan 828.90831828544 832.43069222976 825.28987959719 0.87%
Feb 832.78292962419 835.85700143014 829.83694414349 0.73%
Mar 826.68889244361 830.43637507765 823.50178104457 0.84%
Apr 828.77029522889 831.87638861615 825.60015867901 0.76%
May 829.25061894857 832.42075549846 826.36867663049 0.73%
Jun 823.08653536362 825.64322912329 820.21463278427 0.66%
Jul 828.24200995485 831.18799543555 825.74432661252 0.66%
Aug 829.52287320733 831.82842706179 827.12125460893 0.57%
Sep 823.53390563331 826.37078501048 819.7163765949 0.81%
Oct 823.32376642019 826.65097062798 820.03158541459 0.81%
Fox 819.92651580803 823.60395203769 817.08963643086 0.8%
Dec 816.38917238712 819.61130698835 813.83247862745 0.71%

Euro/Malawian Kwacha (EUR/MWK) Prediction 2027 Monthly

Data Target Opt. Pes. Vol. %
Jan 811.48592408091 814.98824429963 808.40388228843 0.81%
Feb 815.00829802523 818.01832666856 811.42188091829 0.81%
Mar 812.48662746775 815.67373886679 808.73914483372 0.86%
Apr 811.2608153912 814.69308920555 807.12807753311 0.94%
May 815.29553463651 818.59375751164 812.54167864368 0.74%
Jun 810.81256475654 814.66511699714 808.11577818812 0.81%
Jul 805.66415403502 808.78121902969 802.09178741192 0.83%
Aug 802.9673674666 805.52406122627 799.92034887631 0.7%
Sep 797.22356230789 799.99039528068 793.6161724826 0.8%
Oct 793.26594046073 795.99775023134 789.41338822013 0.83%
Fox 791.05947872293 794.52677573947 788.18757614358 0.8%
Dec 785.00046474454 788.29264575014 781.18293570613 0.91%

Euro/Malawian Kwacha (EUR/MWK) Prediction 2028 Monthly

Data Target Opt. Pes. Vol. %
Jan 783.94976867892 786.92674086484 780.65758767332 0.8%
Feb 788.14459583079 790.41812810394 785.45478300058 0.63%
Mar 793.23602725939 795.73371060172 790.22599861607 0.7%
Apr 787.42217569631 790.92449591503 784.79543553227 0.78%
May 783.11432182728 786.40650283288 779.61200160856 0.87%
Jun 784.39518507976 787.40521372309 780.93685429807 0.83%
Jul 779.52695997573 783.13434980102 775.95459335263 0.93%
Aug 773.46794599734 777.60068385544 771.01632184423 0.85%
Sep 776.76616887247 779.58406802792 773.46794599734 0.79%
Oct 781.28121183746 783.90698150504 777.59872998658 0.81%
Fox 783.5227225293 787.10913963624 780.89695286172 0.8%
Dec 789.70288772251 792.58483004059 787.23722596149 0.68%

Euro/Malawian Kwacha (EUR/MWK) Prediction 2029 Monthly

Data Target Opt. Pes. Vol. %
Jan 795.24262128948 797.58019672525 791.88035525172 0.72%
Feb 798.63690890855 801.77502387712 795.62688026523 0.77%
Mar 792.96315015422 796.81570239482 788.79538909394 1.02%
Apr 788.93548190269 793.13826616516 785.85344011021 0.93%
May 790.0242156673 792.39381268439 786.91812228004 0.7%
Jun 791.3691220824 794.18702123785 788.13494236989 0.77%
Jul 788.67233551398 792.66498056333 784.71471366682 1.01%
Aug 786.18568815869 789.86312438835 783.55894799465 0.8%
Sep 783.59397119683 786.7110361915 780.26676698904 0.83%
Oct 788.90955369462 792.14373340713 786.50793509622 0.72%
Fox 788.45425206619 792.23675790241 785.6874190934 0.83%
Dec 785.9676047109 788.41922886401 781.90491325718 0.83%


If Euro will increase or decrease relative to Malawian Kwacha?

We predict the dynamics of currency pairs using resonant artificial intelligence systems. Technical and fundamental analysis, news background, general geopolitical situation in the world and other factors are taken into account. The algorithm allows us to make a more precise prediction than traditional technical methods used by most analysts.

Prediction results for the currency pair Euro/Malawian Kwacha are presented in the form of charts, tables and text information, divided into time intervals (next month, 2024, 2025, 2026, 2027, 2028, 2029 and 2030).

The purpose of these prediction is to help potential investors and entrepreneurs plan their activities on the currency market and predict possible trends in currency rates. This type of information may also be helpful for people who are planning, for example, a holiday abroad.

Prediction are adjusted once a day, taking into account the exchange rate change from the previous day. Exchange rates are determined by macroeconomic factors, international trade agreements, and the supply and demand of foreign currencies.


All prediction data on the website is provided for informational purposes for the use of neural predicting tools in the financial market and does not constitute a solicitation for trading, nor is it a trading signal. By using prediction data, the investor assumes all financial risk. The website is not responsible for the loss of your money on the stock exchange as a result of using the information contained on the website.