Swedish Krona to Chilean Peso (SEK/CLP) prediction for 2024-2030

Reverse prediction: CLP - SEK
Updated: 2018-10-17

Price SEK/CLP today

SEK-CLP Swedish Krona - Chilean Peso
74.7384155456 -0.25% (-0.3367)

How much will the currency pair SEK/CLP cost in 2024, 2025, 2026, 2027, 2028, 2029 and 2030? What is the prediction for the currency pair SEK/CLP? What is the target price for the currency pair Swedish Krona / Chilean Peso in 2024 - 2030?

Course Swedish Krona to Chilean Peso (SEK/CLP) has fluctuated recently, but what can we expect in the future? Prediction and analysts have predicted various outcomes over the next five years, so let is take a look at our forecasts and predict the most likely outcome.

Historical and prediction chart of the currency pair Swedish Krona/Chilean Peso

The chart shows the historical rates of a currency pair SEK/CLP and a predict chart for the next month. Prediction rates include an optimistic predict, a pessimistic predict, a weighted average of the best predictions, and a detailed rate prediction Swedish Krona to Chilean Peso below

Long-term projections SEK/CLP by year

Daily price target SEK / CLP

Data Target Opt. Pes. Vol. %
Jun-03 74.78311687476 74.82637622556 74.72832169708 0.13%
Jun-04 74.76539766259 74.80950719076 74.73259826985 0.1%
Jun-05 74.85239702364 74.90767286077 74.8033697594 0.14%
Jun-06 74.92257330382 74.96679397352 74.8682587856 0.13%
Jun-07 74.97448452478 75.01966651339 74.92209264437 0.13%
Jun-08 74.96015835324 74.9959737821 74.91981887021 0.1%
Jun-09 75.02264408217 75.06878738969 74.97794275301 0.12%
Jun-10 75.07407464367 75.11829531337 75.01735682818 0.13%
Jun-11 75.10387552978 75.13752169151 75.05388694664 0.11%
Jun-12 75.0356377127 75.06353604676 75.00019928836 0.08%
Jun-13 75.05101881521 75.08851025257 75.00775946441 0.11%
Jun-14 75.03857766624 75.07627811767 74.99635316064 0.11%
Jun-15 75.00917131413 75.03669264367 74.9661927995 0.09%
Jun-16 74.94545755122 74.98391201168 74.91265815848 0.1%
Jun-17 74.91454318105 74.95035860991 74.88777586054 0.08%
Jun-18 75.00731045554 75.04095661727 74.95251527786 0.12%
Jun-19 74.94962876486 74.98355917114 74.90891227732 0.1%
Jun-20 74.91305932698 74.94698973326 74.87158883041 0.1%
Jun-21 74.84821455053 74.8791289207 74.81767718487 0.08%
Jun-22 74.86263433413 74.91214225782 74.81072311317 0.14%
Jun-23 74.8090996931 74.83737503167 74.76461316042 0.1%
Jun-24 74.7642361559 74.8090996931 74.73030574962 0.11%
Jun-25 74.84979353859 74.89305288939 74.81326342014 0.11%
Jun-26 74.87622980852 74.92573773221 74.8291251821 0.13%
Jun-27 74.86944372726 74.90789818772 74.82872723972 0.11%
Jun-28 74.92904549947 74.96365298011 74.87136636507 0.12%
Jun-29 74.92904549947 74.98336001769 74.89491867828 0.12%
Jun-30 74.94779121815 74.99393452567 74.90357054845 0.12%
Jul-01 74.91951587958 74.94741421364 74.88935551844 0.08%
Jul-02 74.94066489553 74.98152094906 74.90461543653 0.1%

Target price SEK/CLP for day

Currency pair target rates SEK/CLP for a day 03-06-2024

Weighted average price target for the currency pair Swedish Krona/Chilean Peso for a day 03-06-2024: It is expected positive trend with possible level volatility 0.13%.

Optimistic target price: 74.82637622556

Pessimistic target price: 74.72832169708

Currency pair target rates SEK/CLP for a day 04-06-2024

Weighted average price target for the currency pair Swedish Krona/Chilean Peso for a day 04-06-2024: It is expected negative trend with possible level volatility 0.1%.

Optimistic target price: 74.80950719076

Pessimistic target price: 74.73259826985

Currency pair target rates SEK/CLP for a day 05-06-2024

Weighted average price target for the currency pair Swedish Krona/Chilean Peso for a day 05-06-2024: It is expected positive trend with possible level volatility 0.14%.

Optimistic target price: 74.90767286077

Pessimistic target price: 74.8033697594

Currency pair target rates SEK/CLP for a day 06-06-2024

Weighted average price target for the currency pair Swedish Krona/Chilean Peso for a day 06-06-2024: It is expected positive trend with possible level volatility 0.13%.

Optimistic target price: 74.96679397352

Pessimistic target price: 74.8682587856

Currency pair target rates SEK/CLP for a day 07-06-2024

Weighted average price target for the currency pair Swedish Krona/Chilean Peso for a day 07-06-2024: It is expected positive trend with possible level volatility 0.13%.

Optimistic target price: 75.01966651339

Pessimistic target price: 74.92209264437

Swedish Krona/Chilean Peso (SEK/CLP) Prediction 2024 Monthly

Data Target Opt. Pes. Vol. %
Jul 87.69315330923 87.86527414031 87.54064118043 0.37%
Aug 87.74935395304 87.96193899703 87.50011631526 0.53%
Sep 87.77867602807 87.99370457831 87.60030007162 0.45%
Oct 88.19895910354 88.4335357038 88.00592210958 0.49%
Fox 88.62168568526 88.89780189182 88.32846493494 0.64%
Dec 88.45610108827 88.60861321707 88.22733289507 0.43%

Swedish Krona/Chilean Peso (SEK/CLP) Prediction 2025 Monthly

Data Target Opt. Pes. Vol. %
Jan 88.6149289947 88.82018351993 88.35103031941 0.53%
Feb 88.66379911975 88.84461858245 88.45854459452 0.44%
Mar 88.88127117624 89.15005686404 88.59538094467 0.63%
Apr 88.79847887775 89.02724707095 88.61110683379 0.47%
May 88.7636189626 88.97713594292 88.58931938683 0.44%
Jun 89.1716845068 89.43313967584 88.89556830024 0.6%
Jul 88.93420133481 89.12810961286 88.69453941812 0.49%
Aug 89.13456884753 89.35204090402 88.86578315973 0.55%
Sep 88.71842861037 88.89490693084 88.4613367361 0.49%
Oct 88.40033188458 88.61167012021 88.23910477699 0.42%
Fox 88.43942798462 88.62024744732 88.15842476556 0.52%
Dec 88.46141954089 88.66423055986 88.17552930932 0.55%

Swedish Krona/Chilean Peso (SEK/CLP) Prediction 2026 Monthly

Data Target Opt. Pes. Vol. %
Jan 88.92812923516 89.09917467285 88.6935526349 0.46%
Feb 89.1431577854 89.3704038669 88.93057274141 0.49%
Mar 89.53656229209 89.82489602991 89.26288959179 0.63%
Apr 89.28818539661 89.48209367466 89.07466841629 0.46%
May 89.34194253417 89.58140614694 89.04872178385 0.6%
Jun 89.48610940308 89.74512106587 89.23442825905 0.57%
Jul 89.56674510942 89.81353924094 89.30040292788 0.57%
Aug 89.77933015341 89.98947169114 89.5423100469 0.5%
Sep 89.79399119093 89.99435870365 89.55208407191 0.49%
Oct 90.27291841646 90.56369566053 90.03101129744 0.59%
Fox 89.9330342437 90.1639811816 89.72387475277 0.49%
Dec 89.89817432855 90.07683139372 89.68901483762 0.43%

Swedish Krona/Chilean Peso (SEK/CLP) Prediction 2027 Monthly

Data Target Opt. Pes. Vol. %
Jan 90.28180481022 90.55792101678 90.08388080375 0.53%
Feb 90.24258740567 90.42560196023 89.99856799959 0.47%
Mar 90.30367506199 90.5406951685 90.01045431167 0.59%
Apr 90.75083670624 90.9438737002 90.55535620602 0.43%
May 91.03428343155 91.23465094427 90.84124643759 0.43%
Jun 91.47655806329 91.69158661353 91.22487691926 0.51%
Jul 91.94571126381 92.16562682655 91.66470804475 0.55%
Aug 92.0239034639 92.2511495454 91.74045673859 0.56%
Sep 92.28535863294 92.55658782699 92.08010410771 0.52%
Oct 92.241783739 92.4749094216 91.99776433292 0.52%
Fox 92.72071096453 92.95528756479 92.54233500808 0.45%
Dec 93.12144598997 93.29737844016 92.87953887095 0.45%

Swedish Krona/Chilean Peso (SEK/CLP) Prediction 2028 Monthly

Data Target Opt. Pes. Vol. %
Jan 93.56372062171 93.7347660594 93.38778817152 0.37%
Feb 93.16936783152 93.32841619441 92.9536721065 0.4%
Mar 93.26466457538 93.54322428819 93.03008797512 0.55%
Apr 93.67028661333 93.89264568233 93.38683988802 0.54%
May 93.93907230113 94.11989176383 93.76802686344 0.38%
Jun 94.32514628906 94.56949691433 94.10034371381 0.5%
Jul 94.07023315949 94.27067767163 93.88286111553 0.41%
Aug 93.85889492386 94.0615181807 93.63884170945 0.45%
Sep 93.88821699889 94.09102801786 93.70739753619 0.41%
Oct 93.53308161325 93.79235223221 93.3391733352 0.49%
Fox 93.92159910743 94.20015882024 93.67724848216 0.56%
Dec 93.77344446802 93.93902906501 93.56864246649 0.4%

Swedish Krona/Chilean Peso (SEK/CLP) Prediction 2029 Monthly

Data Target Opt. Pes. Vol. %
Jan 94.04711716832 94.24504117479 93.83453212433 0.44%
Feb 93.69851801677 93.92946495467 93.4479623766 0.52%
Mar 93.97463422333 94.16767121729 93.74250112932 0.45%
Apr 93.81776460513 94.05960526652 93.57156645435 0.52%
May 93.77201096649 93.98552794681 93.55195775208 0.46%
Jun 93.71100611497 93.94195305287 93.48005917707 0.49%
Jul 93.63475005057 93.80251339225 93.37330068691 0.46%
Aug 93.32101081418 93.51274034753 93.11838755734 0.42%
Sep 93.40897703928 93.65821467706 93.13286083272 0.56%
Oct 93.5580309207 93.79016401471 93.30879328292 0.52%
Fox 93.53188598433 93.68875560253 93.30529653582 0.41%
Dec 93.11792449187 93.3227264934 92.96541236307 0.38%


If Swedish Krona will increase or decrease relative to Chilean Peso?

We predict the dynamics of currency pairs using resonant artificial intelligence systems. Technical and fundamental analysis, news background, general geopolitical situation in the world and other factors are taken into account. The algorithm allows us to make a more precise prediction than traditional technical methods used by most analysts.

Prediction results for the currency pair Swedish Krona/Chilean Peso are presented in the form of charts, tables and text information, divided into time intervals (next month, 2024, 2025, 2026, 2027, 2028, 2029 and 2030).

The purpose of these prediction is to help potential investors and entrepreneurs plan their activities on the currency market and predict possible trends in currency rates. This type of information may also be helpful for people who are planning, for example, a holiday abroad.

Prediction are adjusted once a day, taking into account the exchange rate change from the previous day. Exchange rates are determined by macroeconomic factors, international trade agreements, and the supply and demand of foreign currencies.


All prediction data on the website is provided for informational purposes for the use of neural predicting tools in the financial market and does not constitute a solicitation for trading, nor is it a trading signal. By using prediction data, the investor assumes all financial risk. The EURUSD.site website is not responsible for the loss of your money on the stock exchange as a result of using the information contained on the website.