USD Dollar to Gambian Dalasi (USD/GMD) prediction for 2024-2030

Reverse prediction: GMD - USD
Updated: 2023-10-20

Price USD/GMD today

USD-GMD USD Dollar - Gambian Dalasi
65.7894736842 0.2% (0.3016)

How much will the currency pair USD/GMD cost in 2024, 2025, 2026, 2027, 2028, 2029 and 2030? What is the prediction for the currency pair USD/GMD? What is the target price for the currency pair USD Dollar / Gambian Dalasi in 2024 - 2030?

Course USD Dollar to Gambian Dalasi (USD/GMD) has fluctuated recently, but what can we expect in the future? Prediction and analysts have predicted various outcomes over the next five years, so let is take a look at our forecasts and predict the most likely outcome.

Historical and prediction chart of the currency pair USD Dollar/Gambian Dalasi

The chart shows the historical rates of a currency pair USD/GMD and a predict chart for the next month. Prediction rates include an optimistic predict, a pessimistic predict, a weighted average of the best predictions, and a detailed rate prediction USD Dollar to Gambian Dalasi below

Long-term projections USD/GMD by year

Daily price target USD / GMD

Data Target Opt. Pes. Vol. %
Jun-03 65.82518928127 65.8601905664 65.7980454275 0.09%
Jun-04 65.79332133276 65.82518928127 65.7604778348 0.1%
Jun-05 65.83725151715 65.87725298587 65.80439316785 0.11%
Jun-06 65.81546424623 65.84960847678 65.78132001568 0.1%
Jun-07 65.78814886179 65.8118872316 65.76278457624 0.07%
Jun-08 65.79386335732 65.82922179842 65.75457620054 0.11%
Jun-09 65.7626457751 65.79971665398 65.73500520751 0.1%
Jun-10 65.80336155576 65.82871962968 65.77407476616 0.08%
Jun-11 65.77279433984 65.79815862539 65.74222712392 0.09%
Jun-12 65.83851103845 65.86886929596 65.80386690929 0.1%
Jun-13 65.87458379149 65.91458526021 65.83243938695 0.12%
Jun-14 65.90387058109 65.93887186622 65.86922645193 0.11%
Jun-15 65.95994406849 65.98601645435 65.92887149904 0.09%
Jun-16 65.96565856402 66.00387425288 65.93351452666 0.11%
Jun-17 65.98065911479 66.01494608798 65.95422957296 0.09%
Jun-18 65.98137342673 66.00708865662 65.94530067369 0.09%
Jun-19 65.93031967248 65.96804091766 65.90690648582 0.09%
Jun-20 65.91080868359 65.9345470534 65.88674513063 0.07%
Jun-21 65.8838184823 65.91991381174 65.85975492934 0.09%
Jun-22 65.83796765842 65.86073047879 65.7992708638 0.09%
Jun-23 65.89368398985 65.93225683468 65.85975417264 0.11%
Jun-24 65.8426302356 65.88067666393 65.81238820283 0.1%
Jun-25 65.78897501616 65.82669626134 65.75320486987 0.11%
Jun-26 65.77596769024 65.81206301968 65.74572565747 0.1%
Jun-27 65.79811136042 65.83382695749 65.75560979991 0.12%
Jun-28 65.74608205672 65.77469817375 65.70836081154 0.1%
Jun-29 65.73600137913 65.76851969394 65.70998672728 0.09%
Jun-30 65.67551731358 65.71258819246 65.64364936507 0.11%
Jul-01 65.6114562334 65.64690119654 65.58479121526 0.09%
Jul-02 65.640743023 65.67753008798 65.60217017817 0.11%

Target price USD/GMD for day

Currency pair target rates USD/GMD for a day 03-06-2024

Weighted average price target for the currency pair USD Dollar/Gambian Dalasi for a day 03-06-2024: It is expected positive trend with possible level volatility 0.09%.

Optimistic target price: 65.8601905664

Pessimistic target price: 65.7980454275

Currency pair target rates USD/GMD for a day 04-06-2024

Weighted average price target for the currency pair USD Dollar/Gambian Dalasi for a day 04-06-2024: It is expected negative trend with possible level volatility 0.1%.

Optimistic target price: 65.82518928127

Pessimistic target price: 65.7604778348

Currency pair target rates USD/GMD for a day 05-06-2024

Weighted average price target for the currency pair USD Dollar/Gambian Dalasi for a day 05-06-2024: It is expected positive trend with possible level volatility 0.11%.

Optimistic target price: 65.87725298587

Pessimistic target price: 65.80439316785

Currency pair target rates USD/GMD for a day 06-06-2024

Weighted average price target for the currency pair USD Dollar/Gambian Dalasi for a day 06-06-2024: It is expected negative trend with possible level volatility 0.1%.

Optimistic target price: 65.84960847678

Pessimistic target price: 65.78132001568

Currency pair target rates USD/GMD for a day 07-06-2024

Weighted average price target for the currency pair USD Dollar/Gambian Dalasi for a day 07-06-2024: It is expected negative trend with possible level volatility 0.07%.

Optimistic target price: 65.8118872316

Pessimistic target price: 65.76278457624

USD Dollar/Gambian Dalasi (USD/GMD) Prediction 2024 Monthly

Data Target Opt. Pes. Vol. %
Jul 54.19308410952 54.22693447525 54.16406951033 0.12%
Aug 54.1724107207 54.18821978274 54.15462552591 0.06%
Sep 54.16359412841 54.18092329257 54.14672099489 0.06%
Oct 54.13760038218 54.15401748507 54.12695966735 0.05%
Fox 54.11525488103 54.13288806561 54.10157396196 0.06%
Dec 54.08698098162 54.10400612535 54.07208398085 0.06%

USD Dollar/Gambian Dalasi (USD/GMD) Prediction 2025 Monthly

Data Target Opt. Pes. Vol. %
Jan 54.05855507199 54.0752761953 54.04228997932 0.06%
Feb 54.03423343809 54.04958646949 54.01660025351 0.06%
Mar 54.00869572249 54.02085653944 53.99714294639 0.04%
Apr 53.98346202731 53.99729495659 53.96613286315 0.06%
May 53.99228018981 54.01731239304 53.96411896118 0.1%
Jun 54.0301129515 54.06054983497 54.0005294386 0.11%
Jul 54.06168766239 54.091840089 54.04035339828 0.1%
Aug 54.11459663739 54.14560243457 54.09297791642 0.1%
Sep 54.09012299327 54.10349989192 54.07933026823 0.04%
Oct 54.13762728803 54.15810818158 54.11117280053 0.09%
Fox 54.13443507358 54.15237227858 54.12242626684 0.06%
Dec 54.12592250171 54.13793130845 54.11406570518 0.04%

USD Dollar/Gambian Dalasi (USD/GMD) Prediction 2026 Monthly

Data Target Opt. Pes. Vol. %
Jan 54.15721275574 54.18565844122 54.13587849163 0.09%
Feb 54.18651181179 54.20983727389 54.16432417711 0.08%
Mar 54.1828635667 54.19669649598 54.16507837191 0.06%
Apr 54.23463471428 54.2590980038 54.21130925218 0.09%
May 54.20620880465 54.22262590754 54.19450401833 0.05%
Jun 54.23152546473 54.26338463247 54.19739064215 0.12%
Jul 54.22574907668 54.23988602639 54.20841991252 0.06%
Aug 54.20097141214 54.21586841291 54.1851623501 0.06%
Sep 54.18653044201 54.20264352447 54.17497766591 0.05%
Oct 54.16008066514 54.17801787014 54.14457562353 0.06%
Fox 54.15521633836 54.16935328807 54.13971129675 0.05%
Dec 54.12815852064 54.1404713478 54.11706177517 0.04%

USD Dollar/Gambian Dalasi (USD/GMD) Prediction 2027 Monthly

Data Target Opt. Pes. Vol. %
Jan 54.13982125169 54.17139596258 54.11621133274 0.1%
Feb 54.15347518072 54.17509390169 54.1290118912 0.09%
Mar 54.15134703775 54.16791615085 54.13477792465 0.06%
Apr 54.18491294662 54.20823840872 54.16158748452 0.09%
May 54.1869041446 54.21933222605 54.16528542363 0.1%
Jun 54.22445244944 54.25261367807 54.19600676396 0.1%
Jul 54.2188280716 54.23630924597 54.20332302999 0.06%
Aug 54.19085819261 54.20362705041 54.17368103867 0.06%
Sep 54.19683178656 54.22470855834 54.17606643616 0.09%
Oct 54.18041468367 54.19211946999 54.16521366248 0.05%
Fox 54.17798252028 54.19120740872 54.16217345824 0.05%
Dec 54.1757023671 54.19303153126 54.16141340718 0.06%

USD Dollar/Gambian Dalasi (USD/GMD) Prediction 2028 Monthly

Data Target Opt. Pes. Vol. %
Jan 54.14590836557 54.16019732549 54.12827518099 0.06%
Feb 54.12523497675 54.13937192646 54.11064199641 0.05%
Mar 54.16591230699 54.18923776909 54.13405313925 0.1%
Apr 54.13627031567 54.14721505093 54.12350145787 0.04%
May 54.12669367232 54.14083062203 54.11346878388 0.05%
Jun 54.14148542877 54.16879328684 54.11446202756 0.1%
Jul 54.1214200808 54.13358089775 54.10545900855 0.05%
Aug 54.11351554978 54.13130074457 54.0996826205 0.06%
Sep 54.15504625059 54.18861215946 54.13172078849 0.11%
Oct 54.12905250436 54.14075729068 54.11217937084 0.05%
Fox 54.11309143211 54.12753240224 54.09925850283 0.05%
Dec 54.10822710533 54.12206003461 54.09393814541 0.05%

USD Dollar/Gambian Dalasi (USD/GMD) Prediction 2029 Monthly

Data Target Opt. Pes. Vol. %
Jan 54.10245071728 54.11491555466 54.08588160418 0.05%
Feb 54.07235269532 54.08724969609 54.05912780688 0.05%
Mar 54.05882378646 54.07706501189 54.04164663252 0.07%
Apr 54.04742302057 54.06505620515 54.03100591768 0.06%
May 54.04331874485 54.05851976604 54.02553355006 0.06%
Jun 54.06835094808 54.08826292792 54.04104309001 0.09%
Jul 54.09480543558 54.12182883679 54.0694887755 0.1%
Aug 54.07899637354 54.09556548664 54.06105916854 0.06%
Sep 54.05011443328 54.06501143405 54.03947371845 0.05%
Oct 54.03810562654 54.05224257625 54.02396867683 0.05%
Fox 54.02184053387 54.03962572866 54.00785559438 0.06%
Dec 54.03037423952 54.0556908996 54.00591095 0.09%


If USD Dollar will increase or decrease relative to Gambian Dalasi?

We predict the dynamics of currency pairs using resonant artificial intelligence systems. Technical and fundamental analysis, news background, general geopolitical situation in the world and other factors are taken into account. The algorithm allows us to make a more precise prediction than traditional technical methods used by most analysts.

Prediction results for the currency pair USD Dollar/Gambian Dalasi are presented in the form of charts, tables and text information, divided into time intervals (next month, 2024, 2025, 2026, 2027, 2028, 2029 and 2030).

The purpose of these prediction is to help potential investors and entrepreneurs plan their activities on the currency market and predict possible trends in currency rates. This type of information may also be helpful for people who are planning, for example, a holiday abroad.

Prediction are adjusted once a day, taking into account the exchange rate change from the previous day. Exchange rates are determined by macroeconomic factors, international trade agreements, and the supply and demand of foreign currencies.


All prediction data on the website is provided for informational purposes for the use of neural predicting tools in the financial market and does not constitute a solicitation for trading, nor is it a trading signal. By using prediction data, the investor assumes all financial risk. The website is not responsible for the loss of your money on the stock exchange as a result of using the information contained on the website.