Akzo Nobel NV price prediction 2024-2030

Updated: 2024-04-10

Updated share price Akzo Nobel NV plc (AKZOF)

AKZOF-USD Akzo Nobel NV - USD Dollar
71.6150000000 -0.43% (-0.605)

You are interested in shares Akzo Nobel NV plc and would like to buy them, or maybe you already have them in your wallet? If so, you will find helpful information about share price dynamics for Akzo Nobel NV in 2024, 2025, 2026, 2027, 2028, 2029 and 2030 on this page. How much will Akzo Nobel NV cost in 2024 - 2030?

Stock historical and prediction chart Akzo Nobel NV

The chart below shows the historical price fluctuation of the stock Akzo Nobel NV and a prediction chart for the next month. For simplicity, costs are divided into colors. Prediction prices include an optimistic prediction, a pessimistic prediction and a weighted average of the best predict. Detailed share price values Akzo Nobel NV can be found in the table below.

Long-term prediction for years

Daily predict for Akzo Nobel NV for one month

Data Target Opt. Pes. Vol., %
Dec-04 71.3318 71.6704 70.9509 1.01%
Dec-05 71.8006 72.1354 71.4992 0.89%
Dec-06 72.1841 72.5037 71.9254 0.8%
Dec-07 72.5524 72.9116 72.251 0.91%
Dec-08 73.1551 73.4078 72.8446 0.77%
Dec-09 72.7156 73.0444 72.4031 0.89%
Dec-10 73.1235 73.3822 72.7856 0.82%
Dec-11 73.6532 73.9119 73.3184 0.81%
Dec-12 73.6897 73.9241 73.4614 0.63%
Dec-13 74.0154 74.3563 73.7262 0.85%
Dec-14 74.5542 74.8769 74.3015 0.77%
Dec-15 73.9877 74.2905 73.711 0.79%
Dec-16 73.7696 74.1342 73.5157 0.84%
Dec-17 73.4896 73.7859 73.2129 0.78%
Dec-18 73.9919 74.2598 73.7179 0.74%
Dec-19 74.5611 74.9112 74.3084 0.81%
Dec-20 74.5946 74.9081 74.3267 0.78%
Dec-21 74.4123 74.7574 74.0509 0.95%
Dec-22 74.4336 74.6893 74.1566 0.72%
Dec-23 74.8963 75.149 74.5615 0.79%
Dec-24 75.5021 75.77 75.2342 0.71%
Dec-25 75.4109 75.743 75.1146 0.84%
Dec-26 75.2481 75.5183 74.8574 0.88%
Dec-27 75.2253 75.463 74.9128 0.73%
Dec-28 75.5845 75.8828 75.3623 0.69%
Dec-29 75.0408 75.4315 74.7348 0.93%
Dec-30 74.7511 75.1092 74.4646 0.87%
Dec-31 75.3325 75.5791 74.9794 0.8%
Jan-01 74.8116 75.1665 74.5186 0.87%
Jan-02 74.2842 74.6488 73.8968 1.02%

Daily price targets for Akzo Nobel NV

Akzo Nobel NV Stock Prediction 04-12-2024.

Prediction for 04-12-2024 target price: 71.3318 USD. Negative dynamics for shares Akzo Nobel NV will prevail with possible level variability 1.01%.

Optimistic target price: 71.6704

Pessimistic target price: 70.9509

Akzo Nobel NV Stock Prediction 05-12-2024.

Prediction for 05-12-2024 target price: 71.8006 USD. Positive dynamics for shares Akzo Nobel NV will prevail with possible level variability 0.89%.

Optimistic target price: 72.1354

Pessimistic target price: 71.4992

Akzo Nobel NV Stock Prediction 06-12-2024.

Prediction for 06-12-2024 target price: 72.1841 USD. Positive dynamics for shares Akzo Nobel NV will prevail with possible level variability 0.8%.

Optimistic target price: 72.5037

Pessimistic target price: 71.9254

Akzo Nobel NV Stock Prediction 07-12-2024.

Prediction for 07-12-2024 target price: 72.5524 USD. Positive dynamics for shares Akzo Nobel NV will prevail with possible level variability 0.91%.

Optimistic target price: 72.9116

Pessimistic target price: 72.251

Akzo Nobel NV Stock Prediction 08-12-2024.

Prediction for 08-12-2024 target price: 73.1551 USD. Positive dynamics for shares Akzo Nobel NV will prevail with possible level variability 0.77%.

Optimistic target price: 73.4078

Pessimistic target price: 72.8446

Akzo Nobel NV monthly stock prediction for 2025

Data Target Opt. Pes. Vol. %
Jan 68.974 69.411 68.484 1.35%
Feb 68.707 69.063 68.239 1.21%
Mar 69.436 69.822 68.984 1.21%
Apr 68.607 68.959 68.144 1.2%
May 68.603 68.995 68.104 1.31%
Jun 68.175 68.554 67.814 1.09%
Jul 67.899 68.22 67.507 1.06%
Aug 68.32 68.733 67.808 1.36%
Sep 67.678 68.07 67.183 1.32%
Oct 67.491 67.932 67.005 1.38%
Fox 68.355 68.785 67.873 1.34%
Dec 68.959 69.324 68.642 0.99%

Akzo Nobel NV monthly stock prediction for 2026

Data Target Opt. Pes. Vol. %
Jan 68.447 68.795 68.042 1.11%
Feb 68.028 68.411 67.569 1.25%
Mar 68.718 69.226 68.392 1.22%
Apr 69.087 69.482 68.666 1.19%
May 68.45 68.904 67.924 1.44%
Jun 68.893 69.266 68.511 1.1%
Jul 69.353 69.809 68.971 1.22%
Aug 68.685 69.077 68.208 1.27%
Sep 67.883 68.297 67.482 1.21%
Oct 67.944 68.322 67.445 1.3%
Fox 68.695 69.116 68.317 1.17%
Dec 68.16 68.552 67.674 1.3%

Akzo Nobel NV monthly stock prediction for 2027

Data Target Opt. Pes. Vol. %
Jan 68.486 68.799 68.087 1.05%
Feb 69.111 69.532 68.629 1.32%
Mar 69.823 70.318 69.424 1.29%
Apr 69.484 69.992 69.038 1.38%
May 69.043 69.453 68.673 1.14%
Jun 68.785 69.115 68.317 1.17%
Jul 68.553 68.918 68.161 1.11%
Aug 68.25 68.709 67.796 1.35%
Sep 67.902 68.348 67.568 1.15%
Oct 67.889 68.384 67.354 1.53%
Fox 67.011 67.408 66.641 1.15%
Dec 66.392 66.851 65.987 1.31%

Akzo Nobel NV monthly stock prediction for 2028

Data Target Opt. Pes. Vol. %
Jan 67.135 67.556 66.757 1.2%
Feb 67.178 67.504 66.744 1.14%
Mar 67.469 67.981 67.117 1.29%
Apr 66.934 67.29 66.497 1.19%
May 66.867 67.402 66.355 1.58%
Jun 67.41 67.775 66.997 1.16%
Jul 67.453 67.935 67.101 1.24%
Aug 67.386 67.907 66.891 1.52%
Sep 66.593 67.083 66.081 1.52%
Oct 67.11 67.444 66.711 1.1%
Fox 67.179 67.487 66.793 1.04%
Dec 67.257 67.735 66.862 1.31%

Akzo Nobel NV monthly stock prediction for 2029

Data Target Opt. Pes. Vol. %
Jan 66.785 67.133 66.384 1.13%
Feb 67.128 67.493 66.755 1.11%
Mar 66.709 67.119 66.241 1.33%
Apr 65.956 66.37 65.506 1.32%
May 66.785 67.206 66.425 1.18%
Jun 67.475 67.866 67.141 1.08%
Jul 68.248 68.639 67.857 1.15%
Aug 68.977 69.429 68.543 1.29%
Sep 69.733 70.25 69.355 1.29%
Oct 69.711 70.112 69.355 1.09%
Fox 69.016 69.444 68.637 1.18%
Dec 69.737 70.08 69.225 1.24%

Akzo Nobel NV monthly stock prediction for 2030

Data Target Opt. Pes. Vol. %
Jan 69.568 70.08 69.127 1.38%
Feb 69.033 69.532 68.654 1.28%
Mar 68.378 68.85 67.906 1.39%
Apr 69.034 69.399 68.721 0.99%
May 68.793 69.105 68.272 1.22%
Jun 68.419 68.749 68.076 0.99%
Jul 69.244 69.691 68.836 1.24%
Aug 70.086 70.594 69.6 1.43%
Sep 69.828 70.207 69.351 1.23%
Oct 69.431 69.765 69.061 1.02%
Fox 69.974 70.408 69.479 1.34%
Dec 70.213 70.634 69.744 1.28%


When to take profits on stocks Akzo Nobel NV? When to take a loss on stocks Akzo Nobel NV? What are analyst prediction for the stock Akzo Nobel NV? What does the future hold for stocks Akzo Nobel NV?

We profit stock results Akzo Nobel NV using neural networks based on historical data about shares Akzo Nobel NV. Moreover, the predict uses technical analysis tools and takes into account geopolitical factors and news from around the world.

The goal is to find an investment strategy that will provide above-average returns in all market conditions. Our prediction AKZOF is updated daily to help investors know whether now is a good time to buy or sell stocks AKZOF.

Stock prediction results Akzo Nobel NV are presented in the form of charts, tables and text information divided into time intervals. (Another month, 2024, 2025, 2026, 2027, 2028, 2029 and 2030)

The final prices of instruments at the close of the previous trading day are a signal to revise the stock predictions Akzo Nobel NV. This happens once a day.


All prediction data on the website is provided for informational purposes for the use of neural predicting tools in the financial market and does not constitute a solicitation for trading, nor is it a trading signal. By using prediction data, the investor assumes all financial risk. The EURUSD.site website is not responsible for the loss of your money on the stock exchange as a result of using the information contained on the website.