Bank of America price prediction 2024-2030

Updated: 2024-12-04

Updated share price Bank of America plc (BAC)

BAC-USD Bank of America - USD Dollar
46.3700000000 -0.21% (-0.45)

You are interested in shares Bank of America plc and would like to buy them, or maybe you already have them in your wallet? If so, you will find helpful information about share price dynamics for Bank of America in 2024, 2025, 2026, 2027, 2028, 2029 and 2030 on this page. How much will Bank of America cost in 2024 - 2030?

Stock historical and prediction chart Bank of America

The chart below shows the historical price fluctuation of the stock Bank of America and a prediction chart for the next month. For simplicity, costs are divided into colors. Prediction prices include an optimistic prediction, a pessimistic prediction and a weighted average of the best predict. Detailed share price values Bank of America can be found in the table below.

Long-term prediction for years

Daily predict for Bank of America for one month

Data Target Opt. Pes. Vol., %
Dec-06 46.303 46.345 46.255 0.19%
Dec-07 46.4 46.463 46.337 0.27%
Dec-08 46.333 46.376 46.284 0.2%
Dec-09 46.357 46.42 46.304 0.25%
Dec-10 46.284 46.319 46.241 0.17%
Dec-11 46.286 46.337 46.241 0.21%
Dec-12 46.219 46.273 46.178 0.21%
Dec-13 46.18 46.221 46.137 0.18%
Dec-14 46.212 46.266 46.153 0.24%
Dec-15 46.191 46.239 46.144 0.21%
Dec-16 46.105 46.16 46.061 0.21%
Dec-17 46.059 46.114 46.007 0.23%
Dec-18 46.142 46.205 46.081 0.27%
Dec-19 46.197 46.252 46.138 0.25%
Dec-20 46.254 46.309 46.211 0.21%
Dec-21 46.164 46.215 46.128 0.19%
Dec-22 46.133 46.186 46.086 0.22%
Dec-23 46.18 46.222 46.129 0.2%
Dec-24 46.172 46.228 46.116 0.24%
Dec-25 46.207 46.245 46.165 0.17%
Dec-26 46.281 46.328 46.229 0.21%
Dec-27 46.221 46.269 46.183 0.19%
Dec-28 46.154 46.197 46.1 0.21%
Dec-29 46.122 46.177 46.067 0.24%
Dec-30 46.027 46.062 45.971 0.2%
Dec-31 45.957 46.011 45.901 0.24%
Jan-01 46.025 46.064 45.977 0.19%
Jan-02 45.948 46 45.912 0.19%
Jan-03 45.863 45.896 45.829 0.15%
Jan-04 45.862 45.919 45.822 0.21%

Daily price targets for Bank of America

Bank of America Stock Prediction 06-12-2024.

Prediction for 06-12-2024 target price: 46.303 USD. Negative dynamics for shares Bank of America will prevail with possible level variability 0.19%.

Optimistic target price: 46.345

Pessimistic target price: 46.255

Bank of America Stock Prediction 07-12-2024.

Prediction for 07-12-2024 target price: 46.4 USD. Positive dynamics for shares Bank of America will prevail with possible level variability 0.27%.

Optimistic target price: 46.463

Pessimistic target price: 46.337

Bank of America Stock Prediction 08-12-2024.

Prediction for 08-12-2024 target price: 46.333 USD. Negative dynamics for shares Bank of America will prevail with possible level variability 0.2%.

Optimistic target price: 46.376

Pessimistic target price: 46.284

Bank of America Stock Prediction 09-12-2024.

Prediction for 09-12-2024 target price: 46.357 USD. Positive dynamics for shares Bank of America will prevail with possible level variability 0.25%.

Optimistic target price: 46.42

Pessimistic target price: 46.304

Bank of America Stock Prediction 10-12-2024.

Prediction for 10-12-2024 target price: 46.284 USD. Negative dynamics for shares Bank of America will prevail with possible level variability 0.17%.

Optimistic target price: 46.319

Pessimistic target price: 46.241

Bank of America monthly stock prediction for 2025

Data Target Opt. Pes. Vol. %
Jan 47.429 47.601 47.23 0.79%
Feb 47.311 47.539 47.13 0.87%
Mar 47.518 47.658 47.281 0.8%
Apr 47.288 47.507 47.082 0.9%
May 47.552 47.751 47.392 0.76%
Jun 47.545 47.782 47.344 0.93%
Jul 47.881 48.041 47.699 0.72%
Aug 48.189 48.382 48.027 0.74%
Sep 47.981 48.16 47.753 0.85%
Oct 48.149 48.323 47.983 0.71%
Fox 48.098 48.342 47.832 1.07%
Dec 48.234 48.437 48.017 0.87%

Bank of America monthly stock prediction for 2026

Data Target Opt. Pes. Vol. %
Jan 48.57 48.777 48.379 0.82%
Feb 48.23 48.485 48.065 0.87%
Mar 48.54 48.688 48.392 0.61%
Apr 48.294 48.515 48.129 0.8%
May 48.249 48.45 48.001 0.94%
Jun 47.813 47.981 47.581 0.84%
Jul 48.103 48.271 47.947 0.68%
Aug 48.19 48.417 48.01 0.85%
Sep 48.029 48.223 47.776 0.94%
Oct 48.303 48.504 48.106 0.83%
Fox 48.245 48.406 48.073 0.69%
Dec 48.318 48.482 48.087 0.82%

Bank of America monthly stock prediction for 2027

Data Target Opt. Pes. Vol. %
Jan 48.164 48.334 48.008 0.68%
Feb 47.784 48.014 47.54 1%
Mar 48.046 48.214 47.898 0.66%
Apr 48.042 48.257 47.832 0.89%
May 47.845 48.06 47.624 0.92%
Jun 47.985 48.167 47.774 0.82%
Jul 48.009 48.157 47.847 0.65%
Aug 48.348 48.549 48.192 0.74%
Sep 47.977 48.236 47.787 0.94%
Oct 47.892 48.057 47.722 0.7%
Fox 48.04 48.224 47.835 0.81%
Dec 48.395 48.632 48.257 0.78%

Bank of America monthly stock prediction for 2028

Data Target Opt. Pes. Vol. %
Jan 48.748 48.892 48.555 0.69%
Feb 49.016 49.17 48.878 0.6%
Mar 49.091 49.318 48.862 0.93%
Apr 49.146 49.345 48.982 0.74%
May 48.963 49.211 48.717 1.01%
Jun 49.028 49.168 48.793 0.77%
Jul 48.733 48.918 48.492 0.88%
Aug 48.405 48.644 48.222 0.88%
Sep 48.331 48.554 48.141 0.86%
Oct 48.445 48.65 48.236 0.86%
Fox 48.184 48.349 48.001 0.72%
Dec 48.237 48.389 48.002 0.81%

Bank of America monthly stock prediction for 2029

Data Target Opt. Pes. Vol. %
Jan 48.049 48.223 47.886 0.7%
Feb 47.75 47.973 47.529 0.93%
Mar 47.399 47.569 47.184 0.82%
Apr 47.247 47.432 47.046 0.82%
May 47.624 47.835 47.452 0.81%
Jun 47.57 47.782 47.349 0.91%
Jul 47.134 47.344 46.937 0.87%
Aug 46.87 47.109 46.671 0.94%
Sep 47.016 47.202 46.779 0.9%
Oct 46.813 47.059 46.563 1.07%
Fox 46.607 46.792 46.366 0.92%
Dec 46.824 47.013 46.593 0.9%

Bank of America monthly stock prediction for 2030

Data Target Opt. Pes. Vol. %
Jan 46.893 47.063 46.715 0.74%
Feb 46.667 46.857 46.497 0.77%
Mar 46.789 47.022 46.625 0.85%
Apr 46.552 46.764 46.38 0.83%
May 46.724 46.866 46.531 0.72%
Jun 46.9 47.129 46.724 0.87%
Jul 46.605 46.851 46.435 0.9%
Aug 46.198 46.437 45.979 1%
Sep 45.802 46.01 45.581 0.94%
Oct 46.023 46.209 45.859 0.76%
Fox 46.084 46.254 45.891 0.79%
Dec 46.418 46.605 46.262 0.74%


When to take profits on stocks Bank of America? When to take a loss on stocks Bank of America? What are analyst prediction for the stock Bank of America? What does the future hold for stocks Bank of America?

We profit stock results Bank of America using neural networks based on historical data about shares Bank of America. Moreover, the predict uses technical analysis tools and takes into account geopolitical factors and news from around the world.

The goal is to find an investment strategy that will provide above-average returns in all market conditions. Our prediction BAC is updated daily to help investors know whether now is a good time to buy or sell stocks BAC.

Stock prediction results Bank of America are presented in the form of charts, tables and text information divided into time intervals. (Another month, 2024, 2025, 2026, 2027, 2028, 2029 and 2030)

The final prices of instruments at the close of the previous trading day are a signal to revise the stock predictions Bank of America. This happens once a day.


All prediction data on the website is provided for informational purposes for the use of neural predicting tools in the financial market and does not constitute a solicitation for trading, nor is it a trading signal. By using prediction data, the investor assumes all financial risk. The website is not responsible for the loss of your money on the stock exchange as a result of using the information contained on the website.