Savencia SA price prediction 2024-2030

Updated: 2022-12-14

Updated share price Savencia SA plc (BNGRF)

BNGRF-USD Savencia SA - USD Dollar
60.8800000000 0.05% (0.08)

You are interested in shares Savencia SA plc and would like to buy them, or maybe you already have them in your wallet? If so, you will find helpful information about share price dynamics for Savencia SA in 2024, 2025, 2026, 2027, 2028, 2029 and 2030 on this page. How much will Savencia SA cost in 2024 - 2030?

Stock historical and prediction chart Savencia SA

The chart below shows the historical price fluctuation of the stock Savencia SA and a prediction chart for the next month. For simplicity, costs are divided into colors. Prediction prices include an optimistic prediction, a pessimistic prediction and a weighted average of the best predict. Detailed share price values Savencia SA can be found in the table below.

Long-term prediction for years

Daily predict for Savencia SA for one month

Data Target Opt. Pes. Vol., %
Jul-28 60.874 61.086 60.606 0.79%
Jul-29 60.659 60.945 60.432 0.85%
Jul-30 60.587 60.838 60.31 0.88%
Jul-31 60.609 60.664 60.552 0.18%
Aug-01 60.64 60.711 60.554 0.26%
Aug-02 60.726 60.796 60.675 0.2%
Aug-03 60.767 60.834 60.687 0.24%
Aug-04 60.669 60.955 60.326 1.04%
Aug-05 60.708 60.794 60.626 0.28%
Aug-06 60.616 60.867 60.291 0.96%
Aug-07 60.627 60.686 60.548 0.23%
Aug-08 60.741 60.817 60.663 0.25%
Aug-09 60.866 60.936 60.791 0.24%
Aug-10 60.8 61.048 60.499 0.91%
Aug-11 60.832 60.909 60.746 0.27%
Aug-12 60.862 60.915 60.8 0.19%
Aug-13 60.869 60.927 60.816 0.18%
Aug-14 60.66 60.911 60.415 0.82%
Aug-15 60.681 60.751 60.614 0.23%
Aug-16 60.819 60.883 60.741 0.23%
Aug-17 60.741 60.98 60.464 0.85%
Aug-18 60.452 60.729 60.193 0.89%
Aug-19 60.5 60.565 60.446 0.2%
Aug-20 60.541 60.602 60.464 0.23%
Aug-21 60.067 60.41 59.757 1.09%
Aug-22 59.808 60.05 59.498 0.93%
Aug-23 59.546 59.838 59.233 1.02%
Aug-24 59.652 59.732 59.569 0.27%
Aug-25 59.33 59.655 59.02 1.08%
Aug-26 59.386 59.438 59.318 0.2%

Daily price targets for Savencia SA

Savencia SA Stock Prediction 28-07-2024.

Prediction for 28-07-2024 target price: 60.874 USD. Negative dynamics for shares Savencia SA will prevail with possible level variability 0.79%.

Optimistic target price: 61.086

Pessimistic target price: 60.606

Savencia SA Stock Prediction 29-07-2024.

Prediction for 29-07-2024 target price: 60.659 USD. Negative dynamics for shares Savencia SA will prevail with possible level variability 0.85%.

Optimistic target price: 60.945

Pessimistic target price: 60.432

Savencia SA Stock Prediction 30-07-2024.

Prediction for 30-07-2024 target price: 60.587 USD. Negative dynamics for shares Savencia SA will prevail with possible level variability 0.88%.

Optimistic target price: 60.838

Pessimistic target price: 60.31

Savencia SA Stock Prediction 31-07-2024.

Prediction for 31-07-2024 target price: 60.609 USD. Positive dynamics for shares Savencia SA will prevail with possible level variability 0.18%.

Optimistic target price: 60.664

Pessimistic target price: 60.552

Savencia SA Stock Prediction 01-08-2024.

Prediction for 01-08-2024 target price: 60.64 USD. Positive dynamics for shares Savencia SA will prevail with possible level variability 0.26%.

Optimistic target price: 60.711

Pessimistic target price: 60.554

Savencia SA monthly stock prediction for 2024

Data Target Opt. Pes. Vol. %
Aug 65.334 65.708 64.8 1.4%
Sep 65.101 65.584 64.451 1.76%
Oct 64.839 65.286 64.261 1.6%
Fox 63.992 64.445 63.408 1.64%
Dec 64.056 64.421 63.696 1.14%

Savencia SA monthly stock prediction for 2025

Data Target Opt. Pes. Vol. %
Jan 62.971 63.543 62.5 1.67%
Feb 61.928 62.572 61.254 2.15%
Mar 61.684 62.268 61.237 1.68%
Apr 61.231 61.905 60.796 1.82%
May 60.82 61.38 60.349 1.71%
Jun 60.943 61.463 60.51 1.57%
Jul 59.816 60.329 59.196 1.91%
Aug 60.281 60.646 59.843 1.34%
Sep 59.923 60.609 59.225 2.34%
Oct 60.151 60.511 59.617 1.5%
Fox 59.09 59.531 58.44 1.87%
Dec 59.459 59.979 59.103 1.48%

Savencia SA monthly stock prediction for 2026

Data Target Opt. Pes. Vol. %
Jan 60.129 60.581 59.641 1.58%
Feb 60.435 60.96 60.093 1.44%
Mar 59.958 60.626 59.445 1.99%
Apr 59.958 60.277 59.611 1.12%
May 59.171 59.881 58.521 2.32%
Jun 58.044 58.563 57.555 1.75%
Jul 58.195 58.587 57.857 1.26%
Aug 57.122 57.539 56.705 1.47%
Sep 57.729 58.153 57.223 1.63%
Oct 58.504 58.956 58.171 1.35%
Fox 58.531 58.928 58.048 1.52%
Dec 58.878 59.243 58.436 1.38%

Savencia SA monthly stock prediction for 2027

Data Target Opt. Pes. Vol. %
Jan 59.503 59.845 58.997 1.44%
Feb 58.609 59.283 57.911 2.37%
Mar 57.762 58.215 57.333 1.54%
Apr 58.1 58.447 57.621 1.43%
May 56.997 57.629 56.496 2.01%
Jun 57.896 58.416 57.349 1.86%
Jul 57.928 58.38 57.559 1.43%
Aug 58.37 58.858 57.914 1.63%
Sep 57.38 57.863 56.814 1.85%
Oct 56.76 57.416 56.295 1.99%
Fox 56.319 56.963 55.615 2.42%
Dec 55.556 56.206 55.007 2.18%

Savencia SA monthly stock prediction for 2028

Data Target Opt. Pes. Vol. %
Jan 55.359 55.949 54.643 2.39%
Feb 55.347 55.776 54.751 1.87%
Mar 55.258 55.872 54.763 2.03%
Apr 55.568 56.088 55.043 1.9%
May 55.031 55.538 54.375 2.14%
Jun 55.916 56.459 55.533 1.67%
Jul 55.403 55.922 54.848 1.96%
Aug 55.677 56.124 55.312 1.47%
Sep 54.532 55.188 53.894 2.4%
Oct 53.954 54.431 53.507 1.73%
Fox 54.1 54.588 53.648 1.75%
Dec 53.522 53.993 53.003 1.87%

Savencia SA monthly stock prediction for 2029

Data Target Opt. Pes. Vol. %
Jan 53.91 54.266 53.572 1.3%
Feb 53.242 53.934 52.67 2.4%
Mar 53.176 53.701 52.52 2.25%
Apr 53.463 53.828 52.984 1.59%
May 53.655 54.202 53.176 1.93%
Jun 54.435 54.818 53.897 1.71%
Jul 54.077 54.775 53.367 2.64%
Aug 53.278 53.85 52.831 1.93%
Sep 52.61 53.296 52.127 2.24%
Oct 52.079 52.604 51.405 2.33%
Fox 51.489 52.008 50.773 2.43%
Dec 52.087 52.479 51.713 1.48%


When to take profits on stocks Savencia SA? When to take a loss on stocks Savencia SA? What are analyst prediction for the stock Savencia SA? What does the future hold for stocks Savencia SA?

We profit stock results Savencia SA using neural networks based on historical data about shares Savencia SA. Moreover, the predict uses technical analysis tools and takes into account geopolitical factors and news from around the world.

The goal is to find an investment strategy that will provide above-average returns in all market conditions. Our prediction BNGRF is updated daily to help investors know whether now is a good time to buy or sell stocks BNGRF.

Stock prediction results Savencia SA are presented in the form of charts, tables and text information divided into time intervals. (Another month, 2024, 2025, 2026, 2027, 2028, 2029 and 2030)

The final prices of instruments at the close of the previous trading day are a signal to revise the stock predictions Savencia SA. This happens once a day.


All prediction data on the website is provided for informational purposes for the use of neural predicting tools in the financial market and does not constitute a solicitation for trading, nor is it a trading signal. By using prediction data, the investor assumes all financial risk. The website is not responsible for the loss of your money on the stock exchange as a result of using the information contained on the website.