Juniper Networks Inc price prediction 2024-2030

Updated: 2024-12-04

Updated share price Juniper Networks Inc plc (JNPR)

JNPR-USD Juniper Networks Inc - USD Dollar
36.2500000000 0.29% (0.79)

You are interested in shares Juniper Networks Inc plc and would like to buy them, or maybe you already have them in your wallet? If so, you will find helpful information about share price dynamics for Juniper Networks Inc in 2024, 2025, 2026, 2027, 2028, 2029 and 2030 on this page. How much will Juniper Networks Inc cost in 2024 - 2030?

Stock historical and prediction chart Juniper Networks Inc

The chart below shows the historical price fluctuation of the stock Juniper Networks Inc and a prediction chart for the next month. For simplicity, costs are divided into colors. Prediction prices include an optimistic prediction, a pessimistic prediction and a weighted average of the best predict. Detailed share price values Juniper Networks Inc can be found in the table below.

Long-term prediction for years

Daily predict for Juniper Networks Inc for one month

Data Target Opt. Pes. Vol., %
Dec-06 36.308 36.344 36.266 0.22%
Dec-07 36.325 36.351 36.297 0.15%
Dec-08 36.368 36.406 36.333 0.2%
Dec-09 36.33 36.365 36.293 0.2%
Dec-10 36.384 36.412 36.347 0.18%
Dec-11 36.375 36.406 36.344 0.17%
Dec-12 36.387 36.429 36.362 0.18%
Dec-13 36.348 36.379 36.314 0.18%
Dec-14 36.322 36.351 36.298 0.15%
Dec-15 36.317 36.353 36.291 0.17%
Dec-16 36.337 36.374 36.3 0.2%
Dec-17 36.277 36.302 36.245 0.16%
Dec-18 36.264 36.301 36.237 0.18%
Dec-19 36.225 36.26 36.196 0.18%
Dec-20 36.191 36.215 36.168 0.13%
Dec-21 36.261 36.3 36.224 0.21%
Dec-22 36.224 36.251 36.201 0.14%
Dec-23 36.288 36.318 36.261 0.16%
Dec-24 36.302 36.336 36.275 0.17%
Dec-25 36.252 36.275 36.225 0.14%
Dec-26 36.238 36.274 36.214 0.17%
Dec-27 36.262 36.299 36.229 0.19%
Dec-28 36.2 36.238 36.169 0.19%
Dec-29 36.216 36.243 36.179 0.18%
Dec-30 36.161 36.184 36.124 0.17%
Dec-31 36.113 36.15 36.079 0.2%
Jan-01 36.074 36.112 36.051 0.17%
Jan-02 36.064 36.087 36.025 0.17%
Jan-03 36.128 36.168 36.099 0.19%
Jan-04 36.074 36.105 36.039 0.18%

Daily price targets for Juniper Networks Inc

Juniper Networks Inc Stock Prediction 06-12-2024.

Prediction for 06-12-2024 target price: 36.308 USD. Positive dynamics for shares Juniper Networks Inc will prevail with possible level variability 0.22%.

Optimistic target price: 36.344

Pessimistic target price: 36.266

Juniper Networks Inc Stock Prediction 07-12-2024.

Prediction for 07-12-2024 target price: 36.325 USD. Positive dynamics for shares Juniper Networks Inc will prevail with possible level variability 0.15%.

Optimistic target price: 36.351

Pessimistic target price: 36.297

Juniper Networks Inc Stock Prediction 08-12-2024.

Prediction for 08-12-2024 target price: 36.368 USD. Positive dynamics for shares Juniper Networks Inc will prevail with possible level variability 0.2%.

Optimistic target price: 36.406

Pessimistic target price: 36.333

Juniper Networks Inc Stock Prediction 09-12-2024.

Prediction for 09-12-2024 target price: 36.33 USD. Negative dynamics for shares Juniper Networks Inc will prevail with possible level variability 0.2%.

Optimistic target price: 36.365

Pessimistic target price: 36.293

Juniper Networks Inc Stock Prediction 10-12-2024.

Prediction for 10-12-2024 target price: 36.384 USD. Positive dynamics for shares Juniper Networks Inc will prevail with possible level variability 0.18%.

Optimistic target price: 36.412

Pessimistic target price: 36.347

Juniper Networks Inc monthly stock prediction for 2025

Data Target Opt. Pes. Vol. %
Jan 34.57 35.029 34.168 2.52%
Feb 35.24 35.519 34.936 1.67%
Mar 34.959 35.395 34.506 2.58%
Apr 35.378 35.632 35.063 1.62%
May 35.206 35.7 34.77 2.67%
Jun 34.873 35.39 34.362 2.99%
Jul 34.328 34.942 33.731 3.59%
Aug 34.521 34.89 34.267 1.82%
Sep 34.936 35.351 34.585 2.21%
Oct 34.247 34.735 33.822 2.7%
Fox 34.806 35.121 34.473 1.88%
Dec 34.226 34.806 33.606 3.57%

Juniper Networks Inc monthly stock prediction for 2026

Data Target Opt. Pes. Vol. %
Jan 33.354 34.026 32.918 3.37%
Feb 32.659 33.21 32.102 3.45%
Mar 31.884 32.355 31.39 3.07%
Apr 32.335 32.707 32.013 2.17%
May 31.905 32.387 31.383 3.2%
Jun 31.325 31.842 30.653 3.88%
Jul 31.472 31.726 31.203 1.68%
Aug 31.363 31.851 30.841 3.27%
Sep 31.846 32.193 31.499 2.2%
Oct 31.685 32.207 31.283 2.95%
Fox 31.893 32.28 31.607 2.13%
Dec 31.239 31.784 30.694 3.55%

Juniper Networks Inc monthly stock prediction for 2027

Data Target Opt. Pes. Vol. %
Jan 30.2 30.625 29.787 2.81%
Feb 30.444 30.773 30.032 2.47%
Mar 30.082 30.57 29.663 3.06%
Apr 29.548 30.208 29.083 3.87%
May 30.203 30.493 29.899 1.99%
Jun 30.169 30.634 29.48 3.91%
Jul 29.997 30.399 29.44 3.26%
Aug 28.947 29.377 28.534 2.95%
Sep 28.184 28.781 27.61 4.24%
Oct 28.589 28.879 28.277 2.13%
Fox 28.227 28.669 27.647 3.7%
Dec 28.707 29.033 28.338 2.45%

Juniper Networks Inc monthly stock prediction for 2028

Data Target Opt. Pes. Vol. %
Jan 29.216 29.599 28.947 2.25%
Feb 28.717 29.274 28.12 4.1%
Mar 29.326 29.577 28.907 2.32%
Apr 29.347 29.73 29.064 2.29%
May 29.522 29.837 29.16 2.32%
Jun 29.583 29.991 29.221 2.64%
Jul 29.619 29.888 29.207 2.33%
Aug 29.637 29.988 29.318 2.29%
Sep 29.258 29.717 28.747 3.37%
Oct 28.822 29.499 28.254 4.41%
Fox 27.961 28.604 27.393 4.42%
Dec 27.134 27.788 26.462 5.01%

Juniper Networks Inc monthly stock prediction for 2029

Data Target Opt. Pes. Vol. %
Jan 26.606 27.18 26.164 3.88%
Feb 25.556 26.113 24.936 4.72%
Mar 26.215 26.491 25.814 2.62%
Apr 26.681 27.078 26.273 3.06%
May 26.331 26.802 25.665 4.43%
Jun 26.607 26.979 26.245 2.8%
Jul 26.096 26.595 25.505 4.27%
Aug 26.196 26.461 25.874 2.27%
Sep 25.352 26.012 24.91 4.42%
Oct 25.749 26.175 25.495 2.67%
Fox 26.444 26.824 26.161 2.53%
Dec 26.008 26.68 25.4 5.04%

Juniper Networks Inc monthly stock prediction for 2030

Data Target Opt. Pes. Vol. %
Jan 26.037 26.309 25.715 2.31%
Feb 26.259 26.588 25.926 2.55%
Mar 25.915 26.564 25.485 4.23%
Apr 25.094 25.507 24.618 3.61%
May 25.663 26.075 25.305 3.04%
Jun 24.819 25.313 24.377 3.84%
Jul 25.31 25.604 25.016 2.35%
Aug 24.512 25.052 24.03 4.25%
Sep 24.041 24.713 23.461 5.34%
Oct 24.001 24.684 23.433 5.34%
Fox 24.524 24.871 24.173 2.89%
Dec 25.208 25.631 24.925 2.83%


When to take profits on stocks Juniper Networks Inc? When to take a loss on stocks Juniper Networks Inc? What are analyst prediction for the stock Juniper Networks Inc? What does the future hold for stocks Juniper Networks Inc?

We profit stock results Juniper Networks Inc using neural networks based on historical data about shares Juniper Networks Inc. Moreover, the predict uses technical analysis tools and takes into account geopolitical factors and news from around the world.

The goal is to find an investment strategy that will provide above-average returns in all market conditions. Our prediction JNPR is updated daily to help investors know whether now is a good time to buy or sell stocks JNPR.

Stock prediction results Juniper Networks Inc are presented in the form of charts, tables and text information divided into time intervals. (Another month, 2024, 2025, 2026, 2027, 2028, 2029 and 2030)

The final prices of instruments at the close of the previous trading day are a signal to revise the stock predictions Juniper Networks Inc. This happens once a day.


All prediction data on the website is provided for informational purposes for the use of neural predicting tools in the financial market and does not constitute a solicitation for trading, nor is it a trading signal. By using prediction data, the investor assumes all financial risk. The website is not responsible for the loss of your money on the stock exchange as a result of using the information contained on the website.