Preferred Bank price prediction 2024-2030

Updated: 2024-12-04

Updated share price Preferred Bank plc (PFBC)

PFBC-USD Preferred Bank - USD Dollar
94.5700000000 0.49% (0.5225)

You are interested in shares Preferred Bank plc and would like to buy them, or maybe you already have them in your wallet? If so, you will find helpful information about share price dynamics for Preferred Bank in 2024, 2025, 2026, 2027, 2028, 2029 and 2030 on this page. How much will Preferred Bank cost in 2024 - 2030?

Stock historical and prediction chart Preferred Bank

The chart below shows the historical price fluctuation of the stock Preferred Bank and a prediction chart for the next month. For simplicity, costs are divided into colors. Prediction prices include an optimistic prediction, a pessimistic prediction and a weighted average of the best predict. Detailed share price values Preferred Bank can be found in the table below.

Long-term prediction for years

Daily predict for Preferred Bank for one month

Data Target Opt. Pes. Vol., %
Dec-06 94.69 94.817 94.591 0.24%
Dec-07 94.765 94.872 94.661 0.22%
Dec-08 94.742 94.83 94.67 0.17%
Dec-09 94.923 95.016 94.819 0.21%
Dec-10 94.9 95.018 94.792 0.24%
Dec-11 95.04 95.147 94.958 0.2%
Dec-12 94.945 95.065 94.835 0.24%
Dec-13 94.813 94.91 94.717 0.2%
Dec-14 94.952 95.07 94.827 0.26%
Dec-15 95.111 95.212 95.024 0.2%
Dec-16 95.247 95.345 95.132 0.22%
Dec-17 95.094 95.175 94.992 0.19%
Dec-18 94.912 95.004 94.828 0.19%
Dec-19 94.887 94.962 94.789 0.18%
Dec-20 94.757 94.856 94.642 0.23%
Dec-21 94.842 94.93 94.746 0.19%
Dec-22 94.795 94.878 94.696 0.19%
Dec-23 94.668 94.779 94.554 0.24%
Dec-24 94.648 94.72 94.539 0.19%
Dec-25 94.584 94.674 94.485 0.2%
Dec-26 94.747 94.855 94.655 0.21%
Dec-27 94.962 95.073 94.847 0.24%
Dec-28 94.875 94.955 94.793 0.17%
Dec-29 95.032 95.155 94.943 0.22%
Dec-30 94.905 95.008 94.8 0.22%
Dec-31 95.046 95.126 94.936 0.2%
Jan-01 95.048 95.155 94.949 0.22%
Jan-02 95.186 95.31 95.061 0.26%
Jan-03 95.021 95.132 94.911 0.23%
Jan-04 95.007 95.077 94.905 0.18%

Daily price targets for Preferred Bank

Preferred Bank Stock Prediction 06-12-2024.

Prediction for 06-12-2024 target price: 94.69 USD. Positive dynamics for shares Preferred Bank will prevail with possible level variability 0.24%.

Optimistic target price: 94.817

Pessimistic target price: 94.591

Preferred Bank Stock Prediction 07-12-2024.

Prediction for 07-12-2024 target price: 94.765 USD. Positive dynamics for shares Preferred Bank will prevail with possible level variability 0.22%.

Optimistic target price: 94.872

Pessimistic target price: 94.661

Preferred Bank Stock Prediction 08-12-2024.

Prediction for 08-12-2024 target price: 94.742 USD. Negative dynamics for shares Preferred Bank will prevail with possible level variability 0.17%.

Optimistic target price: 94.83

Pessimistic target price: 94.67

Preferred Bank Stock Prediction 09-12-2024.

Prediction for 09-12-2024 target price: 94.923 USD. Positive dynamics for shares Preferred Bank will prevail with possible level variability 0.21%.

Optimistic target price: 95.016

Pessimistic target price: 94.819

Preferred Bank Stock Prediction 10-12-2024.

Prediction for 10-12-2024 target price: 94.9 USD. Negative dynamics for shares Preferred Bank will prevail with possible level variability 0.24%.

Optimistic target price: 95.018

Pessimistic target price: 94.792

Preferred Bank monthly stock prediction for 2025

Data Target Opt. Pes. Vol. %
Jan 94.915 95.176 94.69 0.51%
Feb 94.478 94.761 94.197 0.6%
Mar 94.873 95.148 94.693 0.48%
Apr 95.211 95.379 94.979 0.42%
May 95.029 95.225 94.838 0.41%
Jun 94.58 94.854 94.356 0.53%
Jul 94.803 95.066 94.561 0.53%
Aug 94.522 94.702 94.255 0.47%
Sep 94.687 94.886 94.419 0.49%
Oct 94.768 94.998 94.485 0.54%
Fox 94.414 94.596 94.239 0.38%
Dec 94.168 94.451 93.984 0.5%

Preferred Bank monthly stock prediction for 2026

Data Target Opt. Pes. Vol. %
Jan 94.417 94.685 94.197 0.52%
Feb 93.973 94.138 93.803 0.36%
Mar 93.916 94.181 93.72 0.49%
Apr 94.134 94.321 93.952 0.39%
May 93.9 94.127 93.709 0.45%
Jun 94.161 94.415 93.946 0.5%
Jul 93.783 94.01 93.516 0.53%
Aug 93.679 93.927 93.483 0.47%
Sep 93.608 93.877 93.351 0.56%
Oct 93.814 94.058 93.639 0.45%
Fox 94.204 94.427 93.972 0.48%
Dec 94.093 94.263 93.862 0.43%

Preferred Bank monthly stock prediction for 2027

Data Target Opt. Pes. Vol. %
Jan 94.488 94.718 94.316 0.43%
Feb 94.952 95.218 94.684 0.56%
Mar 95.146 95.335 94.942 0.41%
Apr 95.129 95.318 94.869 0.47%
May 94.666 94.834 94.383 0.48%
Jun 94.576 94.838 94.366 0.5%
Jul 94.451 94.716 94.172 0.58%
Aug 94.002 94.245 93.761 0.52%
Sep 94.086 94.306 93.856 0.48%
Oct 94.165 94.38 93.969 0.44%
Fox 94.054 94.267 93.86 0.43%
Dec 93.922 94.13 93.726 0.43%

Preferred Bank monthly stock prediction for 2028

Data Target Opt. Pes. Vol. %
Jan 93.518 93.78 93.282 0.53%
Feb 93.27 93.494 93.017 0.51%
Mar 93.131 93.374 92.862 0.55%
Apr 93.16 93.397 92.911 0.52%
May 92.744 92.914 92.513 0.43%
Jun 93.082 93.357 92.881 0.51%
Jul 93.446 93.666 93.254 0.44%
Aug 93.408 93.639 93.16 0.51%
Sep 93.37 93.616 93.195 0.45%
Oct 93.016 93.259 92.789 0.51%
Fox 93.48 93.758 93.241 0.55%
Dec 93.36 93.584 93.14 0.48%

Preferred Bank monthly stock prediction for 2029

Data Target Opt. Pes. Vol. %
Jan 93.532 93.714 93.3 0.44%
Feb 93.211 93.464 93.039 0.46%
Mar 92.961 93.218 92.685 0.58%
Apr 92.682 92.913 92.46 0.49%
May 92.73 92.96 92.529 0.47%
Jun 92.699 92.961 92.486 0.51%
Jul 92.373 92.64 92.156 0.53%
Aug 92.656 92.903 92.431 0.51%
Sep 92.24 92.464 91.959 0.55%
Oct 92.094 92.373 91.924 0.49%
Fox 92.023 92.297 91.848 0.49%
Dec 91.815 92.013 91.638 0.41%

Preferred Bank monthly stock prediction for 2030

Data Target Opt. Pes. Vol. %
Jan 92.114 92.389 91.848 0.59%
Feb 91.944 92.114 91.67 0.48%
Mar 92.234 92.406 92.059 0.38%
Apr 92.402 92.644 92.213 0.47%
May 92.814 93.018 92.567 0.49%
Jun 93.068 93.343 92.876 0.5%
Jul 93.461 93.645 93.226 0.45%
Aug 93.827 94.035 93.645 0.42%
Sep 94.059 94.239 93.8 0.47%
Oct 94.435 94.639 94.253 0.41%
Fox 94.305 94.494 94.064 0.46%
Dec 94.434 94.717 94.166 0.59%


When to take profits on stocks Preferred Bank? When to take a loss on stocks Preferred Bank? What are analyst prediction for the stock Preferred Bank? What does the future hold for stocks Preferred Bank?

We profit stock results Preferred Bank using neural networks based on historical data about shares Preferred Bank. Moreover, the predict uses technical analysis tools and takes into account geopolitical factors and news from around the world.

The goal is to find an investment strategy that will provide above-average returns in all market conditions. Our prediction PFBC is updated daily to help investors know whether now is a good time to buy or sell stocks PFBC.

Stock prediction results Preferred Bank are presented in the form of charts, tables and text information divided into time intervals. (Another month, 2024, 2025, 2026, 2027, 2028, 2029 and 2030)

The final prices of instruments at the close of the previous trading day are a signal to revise the stock predictions Preferred Bank. This happens once a day.


All prediction data on the website is provided for informational purposes for the use of neural predicting tools in the financial market and does not constitute a solicitation for trading, nor is it a trading signal. By using prediction data, the investor assumes all financial risk. The website is not responsible for the loss of your money on the stock exchange as a result of using the information contained on the website.