Soitec SA price prediction 2024-2030

Updated: 2024-03-28

Updated share price Soitec SA plc (SLOIF)

SLOIF-USD Soitec SA - USD Dollar
103.6900000000 -29.61% (-28.56)

You are interested in shares Soitec SA plc and would like to buy them, or maybe you already have them in your wallet? If so, you will find helpful information about share price dynamics for Soitec SA in 2024, 2025, 2026, 2027, 2028, 2029 and 2030 on this page. How much will Soitec SA cost in 2024 - 2030?

Stock historical and prediction chart Soitec SA

The chart below shows the historical price fluctuation of the stock Soitec SA and a prediction chart for the next month. For simplicity, costs are divided into colors. Prediction prices include an optimistic prediction, a pessimistic prediction and a weighted average of the best predict. Detailed share price values Soitec SA can be found in the table below.

Long-term prediction for years

Daily predict for Soitec SA for one month

Data Target Opt. Pes. Vol., %
Fox-03 104.289 105.467 103.288 2.11%
Fox-04 102.637 103.65 101.732 1.89%
Fox-05 103.726 104.796 102.951 1.79%
Fox-06 103.765 104.933 102.754 2.12%
Fox-07 103.519 104.571 102.546 1.97%
Fox-08 101.572 102.644 100.805 1.82%
Fox-09 101.69 102.455 100.699 1.74%
Fox-10 102.877 103.956 101.876 2.04%
Fox-11 103.858 105.026 103.024 1.94%
Fox-12 103.711 104.498 103.023 1.43%
Fox-13 103.799 104.967 103.043 1.87%
Fox-14 102.432 103.297 101.714 1.56%
Fox-15 102.942 104.1 101.853 2.21%
Fox-16 104.581 105.543 103.403 2.07%
Fox-17 105.415 106.337 104.571 1.69%
Fox-18 106.651 107.534 105.935 1.51%
Fox-19 107.142 108.261 106.063 2.07%
Fox-20 108.702 109.762 107.819 1.8%
Fox-21 109.732 110.684 108.937 1.6%
Fox-22 110.262 111.243 109.389 1.69%
Fox-23 109.102 110.174 108.247 1.78%
Fox-24 109.799 110.633 108.877 1.61%
Fox-25 109.868 111.006 109.044 1.8%
Fox-26 110.202 111.232 109.142 1.91%
Fox-27 108.413 109.475 107.44 1.89%
Fox-28 109.738 110.759 108.61 1.98%
Fox-29 109.787 110.651 108.698 1.8%
Fox-30 110.592 111.73 109.552 1.99%
Dec-01 108.803 109.678 107.712 1.83%
Dec-02 109.048 109.843 108.312 1.41%

Daily price targets for Soitec SA

Soitec SA Stock Prediction 03-11-2024.

Prediction for 03-11-2024 target price: 104.289 USD. Positive dynamics for shares Soitec SA will prevail with possible level variability 2.11%.

Optimistic target price: 105.467

Pessimistic target price: 103.288

Soitec SA Stock Prediction 04-11-2024.

Prediction for 04-11-2024 target price: 102.637 USD. Negative dynamics for shares Soitec SA will prevail with possible level variability 1.89%.

Optimistic target price: 103.65

Pessimistic target price: 101.732

Soitec SA Stock Prediction 05-11-2024.

Prediction for 05-11-2024 target price: 103.726 USD. Positive dynamics for shares Soitec SA will prevail with possible level variability 1.79%.

Optimistic target price: 104.796

Pessimistic target price: 102.951

Soitec SA Stock Prediction 06-11-2024.

Prediction for 06-11-2024 target price: 103.765 USD. Positive dynamics for shares Soitec SA will prevail with possible level variability 2.12%.

Optimistic target price: 104.933

Pessimistic target price: 102.754

Soitec SA Stock Prediction 07-11-2024.

Prediction for 07-11-2024 target price: 103.519 USD. Negative dynamics for shares Soitec SA will prevail with possible level variability 1.97%.

Optimistic target price: 104.571

Pessimistic target price: 102.546

Soitec SA monthly stock prediction for 2024

Data Target Opt. Pes. Vol. %
Dec 166.211 167.264 164.972 1.39%

Soitec SA monthly stock prediction for 2025

Data Target Opt. Pes. Vol. %
Jan 168.061 169.379 166.859 1.51%
Feb 166.675 168.061 165.409 1.6%
Mar 164.623 165.809 163.357 1.5%
Apr 164.33 165.463 163.264 1.35%
May 165.555 166.572 164.572 1.22%
Jun 165.262 166.674 164.329 1.43%
Jul 163.17 164.396 161.585 1.74%
Aug 161.092 162.571 159.76 1.76%
Sep 160.173 161.479 158.974 1.58%
Oct 158.947 160.493 158.014 1.57%
Fox 159.814 161.039 158.843 1.38%
Dec 158.255 159.827 157.043 1.77%

Soitec SA monthly stock prediction for 2026

Data Target Opt. Pes. Vol. %
Jan 159.295 160.278 158.486 1.13%
Feb 159.148 160.574 158.042 1.6%
Mar 157.216 158.615 156.017 1.67%
Apr 156.763 157.722 155.431 1.47%
May 155.151 156.457 153.552 1.89%
Jun 157.07 158.399 156.249 1.38%
Jul 154.965 156.311 153.872 1.59%
Aug 152.394 153.42 151.355 1.36%
Sep 153.157 154.394 151.989 1.58%
Oct 153.01 153.969 151.917 1.35%
Fox 152.317 153.463 150.891 1.7%
Dec 150.465 151.451 148.906 1.71%

Soitec SA monthly stock prediction for 2027

Data Target Opt. Pes. Vol. %
Jan 148.267 149.733 146.988 1.87%
Feb 147.361 148.52 146.029 1.71%
Mar 145.323 146.895 143.964 2.04%
Apr 144.59 145.989 143.258 1.91%
May 144.577 145.789 143.191 1.81%
Jun 143.831 145.35 142.605 1.92%
Jul 142.339 143.738 141.353 1.69%
Aug 144.501 145.888 143.484 1.68%
Sep 145.01 146.363 144.097 1.57%
Oct 142.905 143.984 141.399 1.83%
Fox 141.04 142.599 139.774 2.02%
Dec 139.135 140.188 137.669 1.83%

Soitec SA monthly stock prediction for 2028

Data Target Opt. Pes. Vol. %
Jan 137.589 138.722 136.43 1.68%
Feb 137.562 139.068 136.496 1.88%
Mar 138.73 139.759 137.84 1.39%
Apr 136.478 137.584 135.226 1.74%
May 134.599 135.612 133.493 1.59%
Jun 135.767 136.796 134.831 1.46%
Jul 135.461 136.873 134.475 1.78%
Aug 133.982 135.208 132.716 1.88%
Sep 132.45 133.902 131.144 2.1%
Oct 131.437 132.383 130.131 1.73%
Fox 129.412 130.851 128.226 2.05%
Dec 128 129.172 126.828 1.85%

Soitec SA monthly stock prediction for 2029

Data Target Opt. Pes. Vol. %
Jan 129.029 129.896 128.15 1.36%
Feb 128.323 129.416 126.831 2.04%
Mar 126.911 128.097 125.605 1.98%
Apr 124.526 126.045 123.06 2.43%
May 123.1 124.086 121.914 1.78%
Jun 122.021 123.154 120.915 1.85%
Jul 119.476 120.728 117.877 2.42%
Aug 120.713 121.8 119.476 1.95%
Sep 119.421 120.647 118.222 2.05%
Oct 118.115 119.367 117.076 1.96%
Fox 118.048 118.981 116.969 1.72%
Dec 120.221 121.076 119.1 1.66%


When to take profits on stocks Soitec SA? When to take a loss on stocks Soitec SA? What are analyst prediction for the stock Soitec SA? What does the future hold for stocks Soitec SA?

We profit stock results Soitec SA using neural networks based on historical data about shares Soitec SA. Moreover, the predict uses technical analysis tools and takes into account geopolitical factors and news from around the world.

The goal is to find an investment strategy that will provide above-average returns in all market conditions. Our prediction SLOIF is updated daily to help investors know whether now is a good time to buy or sell stocks SLOIF.

Stock prediction results Soitec SA are presented in the form of charts, tables and text information divided into time intervals. (Another month, 2024, 2025, 2026, 2027, 2028, 2029 and 2030)

The final prices of instruments at the close of the previous trading day are a signal to revise the stock predictions Soitec SA. This happens once a day.


All prediction data on the website is provided for informational purposes for the use of neural predicting tools in the financial market and does not constitute a solicitation for trading, nor is it a trading signal. By using prediction data, the investor assumes all financial risk. The website is not responsible for the loss of your money on the stock exchange as a result of using the information contained on the website.