(NOW) Prediction for HBAR/USD in 2027
Value Hedera to USD Dollar online today
Hedera (HBAR) buy or sell today? How much will it be worth Hedera compare to USD Dollar w 2027 ? What is the price dynamics Hedera?
Our mathematical model predicts cryptocurrency prices Hedera using resonant artificial intelligence systems. The system studies the market and changes prediction in response to market changes.
Hedera historical and prediction chart
The chart below shows the historical price Hedera and the prediction for 2027 . Predicted prices include an optimistic predict, a pessimistic predict and a weighted average of the best prediction. Costs are divided by color. See the table below for a detailed exchange rate prediction Hedera / USD Dollar.
Hedera/USD Dollar (HBAR/USD) Monthly prediction 2027
Data | Target | Opt. | Pes. | Vol. % |
Jan | 0.072603 | 0.075181 | 0.070287 | 6.96% |
Feb | 0.07776 | 0.080419 | 0.075133 | 7.04% |
Mar | 0.07702 | 0.079479 | 0.074991 | 5.98% |
Apr | 0.076041 | 0.078548 | 0.073654 | 6.64% |
May | 0.081134 | 0.084978 | 0.078764 | 7.89% |
Jun | 0.081134 | 0.082853 | 0.07858 | 5.44% |
Jul | 0.085458 | 0.088661 | 0.083088 | 6.71% |
Aug | 0.087924 | 0.090422 | 0.085458 | 5.81% |
Sep | 0.088757 | 0.092248 | 0.085714 | 7.62% |
Oct | 0.08927 | 0.092633 | 0.086515 | 7.07% |
Fox | 0.095452 | 0.099008 | 0.091704 | 7.96% |
Dec | 0.098559 | 0.10109 | 0.094779 | 6.66% |
Target price HBAR/USD for a month
Cryptocurrency price targets Hedera 01-2027
Weighted average price target for the currency pair Hedera/USD Dollar for a month 01-2027 totals: 0.072603. It is expected negative dynamics with variability at the level 6.96%.
Optimistic target price: 0.075181
Pessimistic target price: 0.070287
Cryptocurrency price targets Hedera 02-2027
Weighted average price target for the currency pair Hedera/USD Dollar for a month 02-2027 totals: 0.07776. It is expected positive dynamics with variability at the level 7.04%.
Optimistic target price: 0.080419
Pessimistic target price: 0.075133
Cryptocurrency price targets Hedera 03-2027
Weighted average price target for the currency pair Hedera/USD Dollar for a month 03-2027 totals: 0.07702. It is expected negative dynamics with variability at the level 5.98%.
Optimistic target price: 0.079479
Pessimistic target price: 0.074991
Cryptocurrency price targets Hedera 04-2027
Weighted average price target for the currency pair Hedera/USD Dollar for a month 04-2027 totals: 0.076041. It is expected negative dynamics with variability at the level 6.64%.
Optimistic target price: 0.078548
Pessimistic target price: 0.073654
Cryptocurrency price targets Hedera 05-2027
Weighted average price target for the currency pair Hedera/USD Dollar for a month 05-2027 totals: 0.081134. It is expected positive dynamics with variability at the level 7.89%.
Optimistic target price: 0.084978
Pessimistic target price: 0.078764
The modeling uses technical and fundamental analysis and analyzes news, the general geopolitical situation in the world and other factors influencing price movements.
In this page are the prediction results for January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December in 2027 . Get to know your target quotations HBAR / USD and optimistic and pessimistic prediction.
Predictions are adjusted once a month, taking into account the price change from the previous month.
All prediction data on the website is provided for informational purposes for the use of neural predicting tools in the financial market and does not constitute a solicitation for trading, nor is it a trading signal. By using prediction data, the investor assumes all financial risk. The EURUSD.site website is not responsible for the loss of your money on the stock exchange as a result of using the information contained on the website.