Australian Dollar to Thai Baht (AUD/THB) prediction for 2024-2030

Reverse prediction: THB - AUD
Updated: 2024-05-17

Price AUD/THB today

AUD-THB Australian Dollar - Thai Baht
24.1710000000 -0.01% (-0.032)

How much will the currency pair AUD/THB cost in 2024, 2025, 2026, 2027, 2028, 2029 and 2030? What is the prediction for the currency pair AUD/THB? What is the target price for the currency pair Australian Dollar / Thai Baht in 2024 - 2030?

Course Australian Dollar to Thai Baht (AUD/THB) has fluctuated recently, but what can we expect in the future? Prediction and analysts have predicted various outcomes over the next five years, so let is take a look at our forecasts and predict the most likely outcome.

Historical and prediction chart of the currency pair Australian Dollar/Thai Baht

The chart shows the historical rates of a currency pair AUD/THB and a predict chart for the next month. Prediction rates include an optimistic predict, a pessimistic predict, a weighted average of the best predictions, and a detailed rate prediction Australian Dollar to Thai Baht below

Long-term projections AUD/THB by year

Daily price target AUD / THB

Data Target Opt. Pes. Vol. %
May-20 24.1342 24.1558 24.1171 0.16%
May-21 24.1634 24.1862 24.1406 0.19%
May-22 24.159 24.1815 24.144 0.16%
May-23 24.1211 24.1377 24.1026 0.15%
May-24 24.0939 24.1095 24.0764 0.14%
May-25 24.0579 24.072 24.0435 0.12%
May-26 24.0429 24.0652 24.0198 0.19%
May-27 24.0387 24.0591 24.0173 0.17%
May-28 24.0414 24.0572 24.0194 0.16%
May-29 24.021 24.0422 24.0054 0.15%
May-30 23.9977 24.0143 23.9779 0.15%
May-31 23.9619 23.9825 23.9438 0.16%
Jun-01 23.9515 23.9683 23.9378 0.13%
Jun-02 23.9482 23.9644 23.9268 0.16%
Jun-03 23.9523 23.9664 23.9324 0.14%
Jun-04 23.9861 24.007 23.9668 0.17%
Jun-05 23.9578 23.9761 23.9351 0.17%
Jun-06 23.9331 23.9524 23.9109 0.17%
Jun-07 23.942 23.9555 23.9215 0.14%
Jun-08 23.9403 23.9572 23.9195 0.16%
Jun-09 23.976 23.9951 23.955 0.17%
Jun-10 23.9714 23.9853 23.9545 0.13%
Jun-11 23.9799 23.9984 23.9614 0.15%
Jun-12 23.9475 23.967 23.9304 0.15%
Jun-13 23.9797 23.9948 23.9658 0.12%
Jun-14 23.9425 23.9612 23.9209 0.17%
Jun-15 23.9483 23.9643 23.9303 0.14%
Jun-16 23.9775 23.9926 23.9636 0.12%
Jun-17 23.9417 23.959 23.9226 0.15%
Jun-18 23.9498 23.9712 23.928 0.18%

Target price AUD/THB for day

Currency pair target rates AUD/THB for a day 20-05-2024

Weighted average price target for the currency pair Australian Dollar/Thai Baht for a day 20-05-2024: It is expected negative trend with possible level volatility 0.16%.

Optimistic target price: 24.1558

Pessimistic target price: 24.1171

Currency pair target rates AUD/THB for a day 21-05-2024

Weighted average price target for the currency pair Australian Dollar/Thai Baht for a day 21-05-2024: It is expected positive trend with possible level volatility 0.19%.

Optimistic target price: 24.1862

Pessimistic target price: 24.1406

Currency pair target rates AUD/THB for a day 22-05-2024

Weighted average price target for the currency pair Australian Dollar/Thai Baht for a day 22-05-2024: It is expected negative trend with possible level volatility 0.16%.

Optimistic target price: 24.1815

Pessimistic target price: 24.144

Currency pair target rates AUD/THB for a day 23-05-2024

Weighted average price target for the currency pair Australian Dollar/Thai Baht for a day 23-05-2024: It is expected negative trend with possible level volatility 0.15%.

Optimistic target price: 24.1377

Pessimistic target price: 24.1026

Currency pair target rates AUD/THB for a day 24-05-2024

Weighted average price target for the currency pair Australian Dollar/Thai Baht for a day 24-05-2024: It is expected negative trend with possible level volatility 0.14%.

Optimistic target price: 24.1095

Pessimistic target price: 24.0764

Australian Dollar/Thai Baht (AUD/THB) Prediction 2024 Monthly

Data Target Opt. Pes. Vol. %
Jun 23.6609289171 23.70011476583 23.62570568228 0.31%
Jul 23.66706208969 23.71087046535 23.62018712774 0.38%
Aug 23.61378694703 23.66133831403 23.57504138873 0.37%
Sep 23.63788155364 23.67687100797 23.59801593179 0.33%
Oct 23.66372849528 23.70315603337 23.62167245465 0.34%
Fox 23.73119339379 23.76185925675 23.67993759427 0.35%
Dec 23.79646787352 23.84684750552 23.7513452466 0.4%

Australian Dollar/Thai Baht (AUD/THB) Prediction 2025 Monthly

Data Target Opt. Pes. Vol. %
Jan 23.87576103346 23.91694090658 23.82669565273 0.38%
Feb 23.80091165947 23.83525431342 23.75424087334 0.34%
Mar 23.84428195137 23.8894045783 23.80660674831 0.35%
Apr 23.83019265744 23.88258721923 23.77779809565 0.44%
May 23.85122067775 23.88714354579 23.81967864728 0.28%
Jun 23.90773348235 23.94365635039 23.85691576659 0.36%
Jul 23.9747602971 24.0080546626 23.94102784785 0.28%
Aug 23.91796283096 23.96375303622 23.87261291613 0.38%
Sep 23.91796283096 23.9672753597 23.87613523961 0.38%
Oct 23.93592426498 23.98761814825 23.8973728944 0.38%
Fox 23.95563803402 24.00338916348 23.90657265329 0.4%
Dec 23.90852695745 23.94595164444 23.86185617132 0.35%

Australian Dollar/Thai Baht (AUD/THB) Prediction 2026 Monthly

Data Target Opt. Pes. Vol. %
Jan 23.87902749829 23.92085508964 23.82751351737 0.39%
Feb 23.84204310173 23.87902749829 23.80814073822 0.3%
Mar 23.89767973881 23.94192619822 23.85912836823 0.35%
Apr 23.98529649012 24.02866678202 23.93798344441 0.38%
May 23.99887708657 24.04268546223 23.95287829213 0.37%
Jun 23.98434750221 24.02705567443 23.94692281522 0.33%
Jul 24.04611731188 24.08291634743 24.00274701998 0.33%
Aug 24.12278196928 24.15344783224 24.0741546723 0.33%
Sep 24.14293382208 24.18542794647 24.1105156241 0.31%
Oct 24.16264759112 24.21521764191 24.11883921546 0.4%
Fox 24.16571417742 24.21039872059 24.13022939314 0.33%
Dec 24.18630411398 24.21784614445 24.14687657589 0.29%

Australian Dollar/Thai Baht (AUD/THB) Prediction 2027 Monthly

Data Target Opt. Pes. Vol. %
Jan 24.23712182974 24.27216853026 24.19638004038 0.31%
Feb 24.20057772362 24.23359950626 24.16755594098 0.27%
Mar 24.1266089305 24.17151855489 24.08874395307 0.34%
Apr 24.10767644179 24.14510112878 24.05484158956 0.38%
May 24.0865425009 24.11912399311 24.05352071826 0.27%
Jun 24.16627374459 24.20263469638 24.1268462065 0.31%
Jul 24.14249806109 24.19445233245 24.09582727496 0.41%
Aug 24.07601420537 24.12180441063 24.0350671949 0.36%
Sep 24.15311694652 24.2017442435 24.10887048711 0.39%
Oct 24.16713562673 24.21620100746 24.13033659118 0.36%
Fox 24.14468081453 24.19091131023 24.11077845102 0.33%
Dec 24.16351841606 24.19418427902 24.11795770538 0.32%

Australian Dollar/Thai Baht (AUD/THB) Prediction 2028 Monthly

Data Target Opt. Pes. Vol. %
Jan 24.10055688382 24.15119028387 24.06005016378 0.38%
Feb 24.09263165599 24.13974273256 24.06093074465 0.33%
Mar 24.10489800117 24.14607787429 24.06809896562 0.32%
Apr 24.03577240284 24.07892086549 23.98601958366 0.39%
May 23.96884825669 24.02036223761 23.92481921317 0.4%
Jun 23.94155024971 23.98117638888 23.89664062532 0.35%
Jul 24.02610041472 24.07560387921 23.97703503399 0.41%
Aug 24.10846016095 24.1452591965 24.07034687413 0.31%
Sep 24.06311024612 24.11066161312 24.01864091216 0.38%
Oct 24.10253778421 24.13846065225 24.06924341871 0.29%
Fox 24.10735670553 24.14371765732 24.06179599485 0.34%
Dec 24.08842421682 24.12232658033 24.04219372112 0.33%

Australian Dollar/Thai Baht (AUD/THB) Prediction 2029 Monthly

Data Target Opt. Pes. Vol. %
Jan 24.05716359592 24.09282712117 24.005649615 0.36%
Feb 24.04527575417 24.08181986029 24.0131345524 0.29%
Mar 24.02414181328 24.06244708114 23.98011276976 0.34%
Apr 24.03991282852 24.09160671179 23.99216169906 0.41%
May 23.97474984411 24.02582353459 23.92499702493 0.42%
Jun 23.91310918318 23.95669793627 23.86247578313 0.39%
Jul 23.93326103598 23.98364066798 23.88901457657 0.4%
Aug 23.87029950374 23.91652999944 23.82494958891 0.38%
Sep 23.868538342 23.91917174205 23.82406900804 0.4%
Oct 23.88781402729 23.92417497908 23.84269140037 0.34%
Fox 23.83718062724 23.87504560467 23.80063652112 0.31%
Dec 23.84375188359 23.887998343 23.80476242926 0.35%


If Australian Dollar will increase or decrease relative to Thai Baht?

We predict the dynamics of currency pairs using resonant artificial intelligence systems. Technical and fundamental analysis, news background, general geopolitical situation in the world and other factors are taken into account. The algorithm allows us to make a more precise prediction than traditional technical methods used by most analysts.

Prediction results for the currency pair Australian Dollar/Thai Baht are presented in the form of charts, tables and text information, divided into time intervals (next month, 2024, 2025, 2026, 2027, 2028, 2029 and 2030).

The purpose of these prediction is to help potential investors and entrepreneurs plan their activities on the currency market and predict possible trends in currency rates. This type of information may also be helpful for people who are planning, for example, a holiday abroad.

Prediction are adjusted once a day, taking into account the exchange rate change from the previous day. Exchange rates are determined by macroeconomic factors, international trade agreements, and the supply and demand of foreign currencies.


All prediction data on the website is provided for informational purposes for the use of neural predicting tools in the financial market and does not constitute a solicitation for trading, nor is it a trading signal. By using prediction data, the investor assumes all financial risk. The website is not responsible for the loss of your money on the stock exchange as a result of using the information contained on the website.