(BIG) Gnosis-Token (GNO/USD) prediction for 2024-2030

Updated: 2024-12-20

Value Gnosis-Token to USD Dollar online today

GNO-USD Gnosis-Token - USD Dollar
272.4300000000 62.5% (22.94)

Gnosis-Token (GNO) buy or sell today? How much will it be worth Gnosis-Token relative to USD Dollar in 2024, 2025, 2026, 2027, 2028, 2029 and 2030 ? What is the price dynamics Gnosis-Token?

Our mathematical model predicts cryptocurrency prices Gnosis-Token using resonant artificial intelligence systems. The system studies the market and changes prediction in response to market changes.

Gnosis-Token historical and prediction chart

The chart below shows the historical price Gnosis-Token and the prediction for the next month. Predicted prices include an optimistic prediction, a pessimistic prediction and a weighted average of the best prediction. Costs are divided by color. See the table below for a detailed exchange rate prediction Gnosis-Token / USD Dollar.

Long-term projections by year.

Daily prediction for Gnosis-Token for one month

Data Target Opt. Pes. Vol. %
Dec-22 271.612 272.41 270.841 0.58%
Dec-23 270.894 271.645 270.358 0.48%
Dec-24 272.22 272.893 271.52 0.51%
Dec-25 273.021 273.519 272.301 0.45%
Dec-26 272.833 273.631 272.048 0.58%
Dec-27 274.166 274.772 273.621 0.42%
Dec-28 275.109 275.634 274.543 0.4%
Dec-29 276.395 276.967 275.782 0.43%
Dec-30 277.499 277.991 276.691 0.47%
Dec-31 276.413 277.151 275.783 0.5%
Jan-01 276.467 277.107 275.949 0.42%
Jan-02 275.85 276.635 275.193 0.52%
Jan-03 275.018 275.561 274.522 0.38%
Jan-04 273.791 274.314 273.02 0.47%
Jan-05 274.875 275.4 274.094 0.48%
Jan-06 275.838 276.471 275.171 0.47%
Jan-07 277.117 277.642 276.578 0.38%
Jan-08 275.783 276.4 274.978 0.52%
Jan-09 274.951 275.534 274.482 0.38%
Jan-10 274.274 274.992 273.624 0.5%
Jan-11 273.57 274.334 272.866 0.54%
Jan-12 272.464 273.155 271.874 0.47%
Jan-13 273.083 273.676 272.288 0.51%
Jan-14 272.801 273.277 272.151 0.41%
Jan-15 272.808 273.367 272.229 0.42%
Jan-16 271.883 272.493 271.279 0.45%
Jan-17 271.823 272.333 271.186 0.42%
Jan-18 271.32 271.83 270.663 0.43%
Jan-19 270.844 271.562 270.14 0.53%
Jan-20 271.194 271.766 270.48 0.48%

Prediction GNO/USD for this month

Cryptocurrency price targets Gnosis-Token 12-2024

Target price Gnosis-Token na 12-2024 totals 271.612 dollars. It is expected negative dynamics with variability at the level 0.58%

Optimistic target price: 272.41

Pessimistic target price: 270.841

Cryptocurrency price targets Gnosis-Token 12-2024

Target price Gnosis-Token na 12-2024 totals 270.894 dollars. It is expected negative dynamics with variability at the level 0.48%

Optimistic target price: 271.645

Pessimistic target price: 270.358

Cryptocurrency price targets Gnosis-Token 12-2024

Target price Gnosis-Token na 12-2024 totals 272.22 dollars. It is expected positive dynamics with variability at the level 0.51%

Optimistic target price: 272.893

Pessimistic target price: 271.52

Cryptocurrency price targets Gnosis-Token 12-2024

Target price Gnosis-Token na 12-2024 totals 273.021 dollars. It is expected positive dynamics with variability at the level 0.45%

Optimistic target price: 273.519

Pessimistic target price: 272.301

Cryptocurrency price targets Gnosis-Token 12-2024

Target price Gnosis-Token na 12-2024 totals 272.833 dollars. It is expected negative dynamics with variability at the level 0.58%

Optimistic target price: 273.631

Pessimistic target price: 272.048

Gnosis-Token/USD Dollar monthly prediction 2025

Data Target Opt. Pes. Vol. %
Jan 276.112 282.596 267.955 5.46%
Feb 269 275.972 263.562 4.71%
Mar 267.396 274.438 259.099 5.92%
Apr 256.519 261.748 250.872 4.34%
May 253.591 258.96 246.898 4.89%
Jun 240.065 245.155 232.814 5.3%
Jul 241.954 248.192 236.059 5.14%
Aug 239.653 247.601 234.494 5.59%
Sep 239.514 246.486 232.402 6.06%
Oct 246.954 252.048 241.46 4.38%
Fox 243.677 251.834 236.775 6.36%
Dec 235.729 241.237 229.454 5.14%

Gnosis-Token/USD Dollar monthly prediction 2026

Data Target Opt. Pes. Vol. %
Jan 239.449 244.371 233.497 4.66%
Feb 233.662 240.007 227.457 5.52%
Mar 222.855 230.315 217.835 5.73%
Apr 219.927 228.084 213.025 7.07%
May 223.819 228.398 217.695 4.92%
Jun 227.196 234.064 223.018 4.95%
Jul 217.156 223.71 210.114 6.47%
Aug 211.439 217.644 206.349 5.47%
Sep 204.815 210.951 199.307 5.84%
Oct 210.996 217.864 205.559 5.99%
Fox 197.819 204.094 192.52 6.01%
Dec 190.777 197.889 184.363 7.34%

Gnosis-Token/USD Dollar monthly prediction 2027

Data Target Opt. Pes. Vol. %
Jan 197.416 202.395 192.093 5.36%
Feb 196.649 201.808 188.84 6.87%
Mar 203.174 209.241 196.306 6.59%
Apr 193.134 199.688 187.765 6.35%
May 185.743 191.879 179.886 6.67%
Jun 195.072 201.94 189.864 6.36%
Jul 182.034 189.843 175.829 7.97%
Aug 171.157 177.99 163.488 8.87%
Sep 172.531 177.625 167.494 6.05%
Oct 164.095 170.37 156.077 9.16%
Fox 169.99 176.286 163.58 7.77%
Dec 181.265 187.961 174.74 7.57%

Gnosis-Token/USD Dollar monthly prediction 2028

Data Target Opt. Pes. Vol. %
Jan 183.955 190.365 178.804 6.47%
Feb 178.098 185.419 171.126 8.35%
Mar 178.842 183.592 174.664 5.11%
Apr 180.731 187.37 175.923 6.51%
May 173.34 181.079 166.019 9.07%
Jun 176.888 181.181 171.336 5.75%
Jul 177.403 182.096 172.653 5.47%
Aug 163.877 170.291 157.323 8.24%
Sep 160.321 165.829 154.534 7.31%
Oct 158.578 164.574 153.14 7.47%
Fox 155.301 161.227 149.863 7.58%
Dec 151.118 157.951 145.54 8.53%

Gnosis-Token/USD Dollar monthly prediction 2029

Data Target Opt. Pes. Vol. %
Jan 151.805 158.444 145.91 8.59%
Feb 154.838 159.875 148.313 7.8%
Mar 165.827 172.695 161.534 6.91%
Apr 165.827 173.496 159.482 8.79%
May 166.743 171.15 159.875 7.05%
Jun 157.4 163.047 149.591 9%
Jul 163.638 169.533 157.514 7.63%
Aug 168.56 173.31 162.322 6.77%
Sep 158.66 164.377 151.897 8.22%
Oct 159.747 166.043 153.852 7.92%
Fox 155.424 162.536 149.846 8.47%
Dec 165.096 171.563 158.8 8.04%

Gnosis-Token/USD Dollar monthly prediction 2030

Data Target Opt. Pes. Vol. %
Jan 168.301 173.967 163.894 6.15%
Feb 166.976 172.763 160.771 7.46%
Mar 153.241 161.398 147.105 9.72%
Apr 164.344 169.094 157.819 7.14%
May 150.818 158.627 143.427 10.6%
Jun 158.029 163.066 152.248 7.11%
Jul 161.291 167.129 156.884 6.53%
Aug 170.62 177.431 163.866 8.28%
Sep 159.255 164.624 154.305 6.69%
Oct 166.81 172.762 162.804 6.12%
Fox 161.72 168.483 156.421 7.71%
Dec 170.992 175.742 166.356 5.64%


The modeling uses technical and fundamental analysis and analyzes news, the general geopolitical situation in the world and other factors influencing price movements.

We present the prediction results for this month, the current year and the coming years. Get to know your target quotations GNO / USD and optimistic and pessimistic predictions.

Predictions are adjusted once a day, taking into account the price change from the previous day.


All prediction data on the website is provided for informational purposes for the use of neural predicting tools in the financial market and does not constitute a solicitation for trading, nor is it a trading signal. By using prediction data, the investor assumes all financial risk. The EURUSD.site website is not responsible for the loss of your money on the stock exchange as a result of using the information contained on the website.