(BIG) Maker (MKR/USD) prediction for 2024-2030

Updated: 2024-10-10

Value Maker to USD Dollar online today

MKR-USD Maker - USD Dollar
1353.8000000000 40.21% (2.97)

Maker (MKR) buy or sell today? How much will it be worth Maker relative to USD Dollar in 2024, 2025, 2026, 2027, 2028, 2029 and 2030 ? What is the price dynamics Maker?

Our mathematical model predicts cryptocurrency prices Maker using resonant artificial intelligence systems. The system studies the market and changes prediction in response to market changes.

Maker historical and prediction chart

The chart below shows the historical price Maker and the prediction for the next month. Predicted prices include an optimistic prediction, a pessimistic prediction and a weighted average of the best prediction. Costs are divided by color. See the table below for a detailed exchange rate prediction Maker / USD Dollar.

Long-term projections by year.

Daily prediction for Maker for one month

Data Target Opt. Pes. Vol. %
Oct-12 1355.18 1362.36 1347.48 1.1%
Oct-13 1344.59 1349.33 1340.28 0.68%
Oct-14 1344.66 1350.72 1336.76 1.04%
Oct-15 1349.14 1355.72 1343.35 0.92%
Oct-16 1338.42 1343.41 1332.69 0.8%
Oct-17 1341.97 1349.21 1335.52 1.03%
Oct-18 1344.01 1348.95 1336.51 0.93%
Oct-19 1342.66 1348.2 1336.38 0.88%
Oct-20 1340.94 1347.1 1336.07 0.83%
Oct-21 1341.93 1348.45 1335.35 0.98%
Oct-22 1338.67 1343.29 1332.45 0.81%
Oct-23 1341.7 1348.81 1334.46 1.08%
Oct-24 1351.64 1357.37 1345.39 0.89%
Oct-25 1357.7 1363.95 1349.93 1.04%
Oct-26 1355.48 1359.85 1351.05 0.65%
Oct-27 1344.33 1349.5 1339.71 0.73%
Oct-28 1356.84 1362.5 1351.97 0.78%
Oct-29 1363.55 1369.15 1355.85 0.98%
Oct-30 1373.29 1378.56 1365.39 0.96%
Oct-31 1371.44 1377.41 1364.79 0.92%
Fox-01 1381.97 1388.49 1374.53 1.02%
Fox-02 1391.78 1397.31 1385.92 0.82%
Fox-03 1393.29 1398.03 1387.83 0.73%
Fox-04 1388.42 1395.69 1381.34 1.04%
Fox-05 1384.48 1391.25 1379.55 0.85%
Fox-06 1376.04 1382.57 1369.51 0.95%
Fox-07 1380.65 1387.23 1374.33 0.94%
Fox-08 1390.85 1397.43 1386.11 0.82%
Fox-09 1384.26 1389.25 1377.05 0.89%
Fox-10 1380.69 1387.34 1373.61 1%

Prediction MKR/USD for this month

Cryptocurrency price targets Maker 10-2024

Target price Maker na 10-2024 totals 1355.18 dollars. It is expected positive dynamics with variability at the level 1.1%

Optimistic target price: 1362.36

Pessimistic target price: 1347.48

Cryptocurrency price targets Maker 10-2024

Target price Maker na 10-2024 totals 1344.59 dollars. It is expected negative dynamics with variability at the level 0.68%

Optimistic target price: 1349.33

Pessimistic target price: 1340.28

Cryptocurrency price targets Maker 10-2024

Target price Maker na 10-2024 totals 1344.66 dollars. It is expected positive dynamics with variability at the level 1.04%

Optimistic target price: 1350.72

Pessimistic target price: 1336.76

Cryptocurrency price targets Maker 10-2024

Target price Maker na 10-2024 totals 1349.14 dollars. It is expected positive dynamics with variability at the level 0.92%

Optimistic target price: 1355.72

Pessimistic target price: 1343.35

Cryptocurrency price targets Maker 10-2024

Target price Maker na 10-2024 totals 1338.42 dollars. It is expected negative dynamics with variability at the level 0.8%

Optimistic target price: 1343.41

Pessimistic target price: 1332.69

Maker/USD Dollar monthly prediction 2024

Data Target Opt. Pes. Vol. %
Fox 1560.079 1604.832 1508.093 6.41%
Dec 1482.237 1511.067 1446.405 4.47%

Maker/USD Dollar monthly prediction 2025

Data Target Opt. Pes. Vol. %
Jan 1484.949 1527.442 1445.62 5.66%
Feb 1445.822 1491.95 1413.285 5.57%
Mar 1519.055 1572.849 1473.85 6.72%
Apr 1478.693 1526.057 1430.917 6.65%
May 1538.816 1577.693 1485.474 6.21%
Jun 1512.045 1553.643 1467.152 5.9%
Jul 1564.935 1617.373 1521.086 6.33%
Aug 1558.757 1602.002 1515.512 5.71%
Sep 1641.483 1683.524 1609.839 4.58%
Oct 1591.648 1640.247 1550.874 5.76%
Fox 1570.231 1613.064 1530.281 5.41%
Dec 1629.902 1668.327 1586.505 5.16%

Maker/USD Dollar monthly prediction 2026

Data Target Opt. Pes. Vol. %
Jan 1629.49 1663.674 1596.541 4.2%
Feb 1614.663 1655.025 1578.419 4.85%
Mar 1579.655 1620.429 1542.176 5.07%
Apr 1574.713 1624.136 1531.88 6.02%
May 1565.24 1600.248 1527.761 4.74%
Jun 1638.021 1684.583 1600.048 5.28%
Jul 1590.657 1638.845 1553.59 5.49%
Aug 1619.588 1654.396 1573.026 5.17%
Sep 1573.048 1615.881 1535.157 5.26%
Oct 1583.897 1626.39 1550.897 4.87%
Fox 1635.431 1685.609 1588.869 6.09%
Dec 1668.883 1710.02 1621.869 5.44%

Maker/USD Dollar monthly prediction 2027

Data Target Opt. Pes. Vol. %
Jan 1674.76 1715.445 1628.198 5.36%
Feb 1601.861 1632.339 1570.148 3.96%
Mar 1633.505 1680.971 1601.409 4.97%
Apr 1671.025 1713.97 1620.395 5.77%
May 1594.007 1624.073 1558.587 4.2%
Jun 1580.827 1622.425 1541.288 5.26%
Jul 1510.399 1546.231 1472.92 4.98%
Aug 1542.043 1585.892 1494.125 6.14%
Sep 1526.392 1575.815 1492.619 5.57%
Oct 1460.906 1509.917 1424.25 6.01%
Fox 1419.72 1460.494 1385.536 5.41%
Dec 1375.651 1420.132 1345.997 5.51%

Maker/USD Dollar monthly prediction 2028

Data Target Opt. Pes. Vol. %
Jan 1348.468 1397.067 1317.579 6.03%
Feb 1425.317 1473.687 1384.632 6.43%
Mar 1477.303 1510.303 1423.057 6.13%
Apr 1439.412 1471.949 1396.99 5.37%
May 1425.821 1458.358 1385.047 5.29%
Jun 1488.204 1525.724 1452.04 5.07%
Jul 1565.957 1619.299 1522.56 6.35%
Aug 1641.45 1693.888 1589.916 6.54%
Sep 1699.765 1751.299 1651.395 6.05%
Oct 1774.354 1816.847 1741.806 4.31%
Fox 1773.118 1816.363 1744.288 4.13%
Dec 1775.378 1815.159 1735.597 4.58%

Maker/USD Dollar monthly prediction 2029

Data Target Opt. Pes. Vol. %
Jan 1736.663 1779.496 1687.24 5.47%
Feb 1729.25 1765.494 1688.888 4.54%
Mar 1661.293 1699.596 1632.463 4.11%
Apr 1592.101 1631.64 1543.913 5.68%
May 1538.147 1573.979 1502.727 4.74%
Jun 1579.284 1618.161 1543.12 4.86%
Jul 1548.806 1596.582 1502.678 6.25%
Aug 1557.847 1592.203 1514.902 5.1%
Sep 1629.272 1662.272 1584.971 4.88%
Oct 1637.861 1687.587 1587.683 6.29%
Fox 1689.395 1724.203 1636.957 5.33%
Dec 1626.38 1658.093 1596.726 3.84%


The modeling uses technical and fundamental analysis and analyzes news, the general geopolitical situation in the world and other factors influencing price movements.

We present the prediction results for this month, the current year and the coming years. Get to know your target quotations MKR / USD and optimistic and pessimistic predictions.

Predictions are adjusted once a day, taking into account the price change from the previous day.


All prediction data on the website is provided for informational purposes for the use of neural predicting tools in the financial market and does not constitute a solicitation for trading, nor is it a trading signal. By using prediction data, the investor assumes all financial risk. The EURUSD.site website is not responsible for the loss of your money on the stock exchange as a result of using the information contained on the website.